Chapter Six

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Alex's POV

After what happened on the bus between Andy and me, I decided to figure out what was wrong with him because I knew for a fact that he would never lash out at me like that for no reason. Did he find out the truth about the baby? I wandered over to FIR's bus so I could talk to one of Andy's best friends, Ronnie Radke. 

I took a deep breath before knocking on the bus door. Ronnie answered almost immediately. "Oh hey! You're Andy's girl, Alexandria right?" He smiled and invited me in with a gesture. "Yeah, but you can call me Alex." I laughed at his sudden outburst of joy.

"Well, what can I help you with?" He pulled out a chair from the small kitchen table while I took a seat on the couch. "Well recently Andy has been acting a little... out of place, and I was just wondering if you knew of anything that could be wrong." I sat stiffly on the couch, I was uncomfortable because of how intimidating Ronnie looked. 

"Well, what do you mean by out of place?" He rested his chin on this hand. "We got into a fight earlier and he was just so angry, he almost hit me..." I was hopeful for an explanation for Andy's random outburst. "He hasn't spoken to me about anything besides how happy he was about you being safe after what had happened." I sighed. 

"Oh okay. Do you mind giving me some advice then? Because I need to tell Andy something that I should have told him a long time ago, but I just don't know how to." I nervously fiddled with my fingers. "Well, what is it that you need to tell him?" I took in a deep breath. "I'm pregnant-" Ronnie cut me off. "Well everyone knows that" He shook his head in laughter. 

"Well, I don't think it's Andy's baby." I said breathlessly. Ronnie stared at me blankly. "Are you serious?" A hint of anger was hidden in his voice. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come here. I barely even know you, I don't know what I was thinking." I stood up and began to walk towards the door.

"Wait!" He chased after me, I turned around to face him. "Alex listen, I know Andy well enough to know that he didn't mean to do whatever he did. I know that he loves you, more than he ever loved anyone. Just try talking to him, because without you, he would be completely lost." He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Thank you Ronnie." I smiled and turned around, opening the bus door. 

"Promise me you'll talk to him?" He held the door opened for me as I walked out. "Promise, in fact, what time do the boys go on?" I stood at the bottom of the bus steps. "Soon actually, their first performance is around 3 o'clock." I nodded and headed back to the bus.


"Alex!" I heard a familiar voice calling out my name as I exited the BVB tour bus. I had gone back to change in time for the guys' concert. "Alex!" The voice called out again. I turned around to find CC running towards me. "Hey, I was just coming to see you guys." I smiled, but CC's face was full of panic. "No, you need to come with me right now." He was out of breath from running. "What, why?" I questioned as CC grabbed my shoulders and began to lead me towards the shark stage. 

"CC what's happening?" We headed towards the backstage entrance. "CC! I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on!" I struggled out of his grasp and turned around to face him. I could tell he was frustrated when he ran his fingers threw his long hair and took a deep, exaggerated breath.

"Damon's here, he brought a couple friends who have guns with him. They're looking for you. Andy sent me to come and get you and make sure that you were safe." My chest felt like it was concaving, I could barely  breathe. "This can't be happening..." CC took advantage of my state of shock and forced me backstage into the outdoor dressing rooms. A gunshot went off. "Where's Andy?" I began to panic, CC backed me up into the dressing room and shut the door behind us.

"CC let me out! I need to find Andy!" I tried pushing past him, but the dressing room was so small that his whole body blocked the door. "Alex I'm sorry, I made a promise to Andy." He stepped closer to me. "I need to go now." He intensely looked into my eyes. "I love you." He whispered as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"CC please, don't leave me here alone." I began to sob. "I'm sorry, Alex." He slowly opened the door and exited the small dressing room. All I heard was the locking of the door from the outside. "You'll be safe in there. I have the key. I will  come and get you out as soon as this is over." CC spoke from the other side of the door. "Promise me you'll come back." I placed my hands on the door, as if they were intertwined with CC's. "I promise." A single tear rolled down my cheek as I rested my forehead against the door.


20 minutes had passed and I was sitting on the shelf that was attached to the back wall. I counted how many gunshots had been fired, so far 13. "Alex!" CC's voice brought joy to my ears. I stood up and went towards the door. All of a sudden, another shot was fired. I heard a thump, I looked down to see dark strands of hair peeking out from underneath of the door.

I wanted to scream, but I stopped myself by holding my hand tightly over my mouth so no one would know I was in here. Tears flowed from my eyes, and my chest was heaving up and down as I backed up against the wall. The knob on the door began to jiggle. I held my breath as the door swung open.

A/N: Don't hate me for the ending of this chapter! I will definitely update by Tuesday. Let me know what you guys think of chapter! (Almost to 1k reads already! Love you guys!)

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