Chapter Twenty Two

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The door to the back room was wide open. "Alex?..." I cautiously walked in, immediately the wind was knocked out me. I fell to the floor, screaming. "Alex!" It was like a scene out of a horror film. I was in such shock at what I saw that I didn't even realize that I was kneeling in her blood.

"Oh my god!" I cried as I stood up and walked over to her. I gently pressed my hand against her cheek, placing a kiss on her cold lips. "come on baby, wake up! Please!" I now held her face with both hands, each covered in her blood. I leaned over her body.

"I need you. Octavia needs you, listen to me!" I rested my head on her bloody chest, right where she had been stabbed. I felt someone grasp my shoulders. "Andy... she's gone." Ashley's voice was quiet. I shook my head, my lip quivering. "No... not she's not. Alex, get up! I love you, you can't leave me like this!"

I began to shake her in hopes she'd wake up, tears poured from my eyes. "She's gone Andy!" Ashley dragged me out of the room as the cops and EMTs entered. At that point, I felt nothing. I was completely numb and overcome by pain at the same time.

I didn't know what to do with myself so I just fell on the floor and cried. Ash had dragged me to the main lobby and sat with me next to the counter. I sat there, my legs sprawled out and my arms limply hanging at my sides. My red, swollen eyes were fixed on the tile floor.

"I was thinking about cheating on her." My lips barely moved and my voice cracked. Ash just stared at me, a sad look on his face. "With that girl, Madi. I met her yesterday while Alex was on the beach. She offered to draw out my new tattoo... but it was all a trick. I even lied to Alex and told her I was going out with you and the guys." I regretted everything.

"God, I hate myself..." I watched as the EMT exited with Alex's body on a gurney. Why isn't she in a body bag? I wondered. I was too upset to acknowledge it. I slowly pulled out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes from my jacket pocket, dry blood painintg the white stick red.

I placed the stick between my teeth with a shaky hand. "These damn things haven't killed me yet." I whispered, taking a long drag, the ashes falling in my lap. Ashley didn't hear a word I said, his eyes were fixed on the gurney. "Andy, look..." My eyes widened.

A/N: I miss you guys so much! How are you? I want to get to know some of you so feel free to message me because I have no friends lol, anyway what do you think about the chapter? Sorry for the cliff hanger... stay tuned xoxo

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