Chapter 3

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Hey! I'm currently writing this during my break at school. Wow such rebel. I plan on making this a longer chapter, by long I mean really long . Ducksfan1015 I'm still making you my slave. I meant nothing! Enjoy the story!
Chester POV
       "Hey Chester. Haven't seen you all day, how ya been?" My heart immediately sank, my perfect day was going to be ruined.
     "L-leave me a-alone." I spoke softly staring at my feet.
   "I'm sorry what? I don't understand idiots who mumble."   Connor now had ahold of my shirt.I don't know what came over me but, I finally had enough. Everything had finally come to a head. I was tired of everyone. My brother, Connor, his friends, the assholes who made sly comments, the stuck-up teachers. It felt like the world had fallen on my shoulders and all the pressure finally caused me to snap. Connor had pushed me too far.
     "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I finally screamed at Connor and punched him in his smug fucking face. I looked up to see him holding his jaw. I couldn't help but, let a small smile spread across my lips. His expression went from shock to pure anger.
            Mike POV
    Class had just ended. I was happy to get out of class, I personally didn't like the majority of the teachers here. Almost all of them just appeared to be babbling idiots. One more class to go.
The school had always given too much time in between classes. I found a bench to sit on and pulled out my sketchbook. I started to get a rough sketch going.
         "What you got there, Michael?" I quickly slammed my book shut as I felt Anna's hand on my shoulder. I was always a bit, very, insecure about my artwork.
       "For the last god damn time it's Mike." I grumbled as I shifted uncomfortably.
       "What's that book for?" She went to grab it and I quickly jerked it away.
       "It's where I plan murders."
"Oh that's lovely. So, I heard there's a great new carnival opening."
I sighed and walked off. Rude? Very. Justified? Maybe. Fucks given? Zero. I was hungry anyways and the school had a pretty good vending machine.
Chester POV
I flinched and closed my eyes as I saw Connor start to swing. After I felt nothing I opened my eyes to see a teacher holding Connor back.
"Just wait, fucking faggot!" Connor shouted as the teacher dragged him to the principles office. I decided I'd better get to class before Connors groupies attacked me. It was at that moment I realized I didn't actually know there names. I walked to Ms. Lugo's class, chemistry.
"Chester, I'm glad your here on time!" Ms. lugo greeted me excitedly. I didn't reply. I knew she cared but, I didn't. Today was we were starting group projects, oh the joy.
Mike POV
We were getting partners today and I wasn't the least bit excited for it. I was a smart and everyone knew it so, the work ended up getting pushed onto me.
"I guess I should start pairing you guys up, huh?" Ms.Lugo walked up to the front of the class. Ms. lugo was one of the few teachers I actually like, in fact, everyone liked her.
"Talinda and Anna. I guess that only leaves Mike and Chester." She smiled at me. "All you guys need to do is come up with a experiment and run it by me. I hope that isn't too much work for one day."
I looked around the classroom for Chester. When I finally saw him he was watching Talinda walk over to Anna's table. As I went to walk to Chester's table I overheard some smart ass make a comment.
"Looks like Chester got himself a new boyfriend." I glared at the kid and he sunk down into his chair. I found this to be kind of funny. All the guys here feared me even though I've never fought anyone here. I didn't blame them I had kind of a build, I guess some people would call it that.
"Hey." I tried making conversation with him. Nothing, he just sat there staring blankly at the desk. "Any ideas for the project?"
"No." He replied with all the enthusiasm of a corpse.
"Hmmm. How about the chemistry behind hair dye?" I looked up at his bleach blonde hair. It looked a bit old with parts of his roots coming in. "Sure."
"Chemistry of hair dye." I smiled at Ms.Lugo.
"Hey Mike, I hope you don't mind working with Chester." Ms.Lugo said with a hint of concern in her voice.
"Nah it's cool. Wish he'd talk a bit more but, he seems likeable."
"I know it's just no one interacts with him or at least in a positive manner. He could really use a friend and you don't have any here. Please just be patient with him."
"Okay wow brutal honesty a bit hurtful sometimes. It's fine Ms.Lugo don't worry about it." She laughed at me and I walked back to me seat.
Chester POV
Mike was taking forever to talk to Ms.Lugo. I knew exactly what was going on. I like Ms.Lugo and all but, she needed to get the hell out of my personal life.
"I know what you were talking about. What you were actually talking about." I started tapping my finger slightly on the desk.
"And what would that be?" He gave me a slight smirk. Condescending prick.
"First off you can quit smirking at me. As far as your question, Ms.Lugo wants you to be my friend. She thinks I'm lonely. Well I'm not, I don't want any friends, especially someone like you. I maybe quiet but, I'm not stupid. So tell me what I need to do for the project." I managed to surprise myself by going off on Mike like that. I usually wouldn't talk to anyone but, after the Connor situation I was on a bit of a high horse. Mike went over the process, I honestly didn't pay attention. More important things had my attention.
"You were right about the conversation. The only thing you got wrong was I'm not being forced into this. I would've tried to talk to you outside of class." I sighed in annoyance.
"I know that too Mike. I figured it out yesterday after math class. Just stay out of my fucking personal life, stop trying to talk to me and leave me the hell alone."
Mike POV
I was shocked Chester had gone off on me. I heard about the Connor thing but, I thought that was just a flight or fight response. I decided to leave him alone, if I had any chance of actually being his friend I shouldn't push him too much. It kind of hurt he associated me with the popular douchebags. I pulled out my sketchbook seeing as I had nothing to do.
I decided to sketch Chester. The light was hitting his face and body in the most perfect way. His skin looked almost like a glowing pale color with just a slight tan starting to form. He obviously didn't get out much. His glasses lense had a very subtle glare in them. The light made Chester's lip ring shine. His big, dark brown eyes looked soft and innocent. My eyes were once again brought up to his glasses. They slid down his face just enough to stay on. Chester's blonde hair spiked up ever so delicately. His pale skin looked like the softest thingy out could touch. In every way he looked perfect.
"Could you not stare at me?" I blushed and looked away. Damn it I got caught.

Hey! I found the ending super cute!!! Sorry the format looks weird I don't know what happened. Anywho did you like it? It was written at school, at 3 am and right now. Do you guys prefer the shorter or longer chapters? Thanks for all the feedback it's always wanted. Yes even the bad feedback is wanted. Check out my collabe account with MedaiUzumaki called FreakDiary More to come soon.

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