Chapter 11

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I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who's viewed my story! I never thought I'd get to 1000 views! This means a lot to me. So thank you for reading my trashy (chill it's a joke) writing!!!

Mike's POV
One minute I was on top of Chester, the next I couldn't find him. I looked to my left to see him in the corner shaking. What did I do?!?! I was so stupid to hurt him like that! He was curled in a ball crying. I got off the bed and kneeled beside him.

"Chester. Chester, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out." I put my hand on his shoulder. He shaked harder until I removed my hand.

"I...I t-told you to st-stop." He whimpered.

"I know. I'm sorry, baby."

"I told y-you t-to stop. I...I w-want to b-be a-alone." He buried his head into his arms again.

"I understand." I got up and left the room.

I sighed as I sat down on the couch. I promised him I wouldn't hurt him! This was all my fault and I had no way to apologize or anything. I tried watching TV but, I couldn't distract myself. How was I going to make this up to Chester? I walked into the kitchen to talk to my mom.

"Hey, Mike." She greeted.

"Hey, mom. What you doing?" I sat at the island.

"Cooking. You seem upset, why?"

"Chester and I were hanging out and things started going too fast for him. Now, he's completely freaked out." I sighed.

"Freaked out how?"

"In a ball in the corner, wants to be alone type freaked out."

"Okay, so just let him be until he feels like coming out."

"Mom, it's not that-"

"Sure it is. The worse thing you could do now is make him more uncomfortable."

"I guess. Can I have some?" I pointed to the batch of hashbrowns she made.

"Sure. You be careful with Chester! Or I'll kick you out." She handed me a plate.

"I'm your son!"


"Wow. Just wow." I smiled.

I felt better after talking to my mom. It was around 11 and I know Chester hasn't eaten yet. After I finished my plate I made Chester one. I slowly opened the door to see Chester in the same position.

"I made you a plate of hashbrowns." I smiled and handed him the plate.

"You remembered." He spoke quietly and gave me a small smile.

The night Chester and I talked he mentioned hashbrowns being his favorite. I smiled and left the room. I played on my phone for awhile. I was so bored. All I wanted to do was hold Chester.

Chester POV
I spent all day in the corner. I didn't know how to feel about this. Mike promised he wouldn't hurt me but, I don't have anyone else. Was this going to be an isolated issue or was it going to happen again? I want to say it was a one time thing but, I'm not sure. Should I even trust Mike? Should I just go back home? I shuddered at the idea.

I grabbed the empty plate and decided to talk to Mike. I gingerly walked down the stairs and put my plate in the sink. I walked up to Mike and cuddled up to him. He put his arm around me and I felt slightly better. Niether of us said anything. I rested my head against his chest and closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I should've stopped when you told me too." Mike leaned his head on top of mine.

"It's fine, Mike."

"It's not fine. I-"

"Mike, it's okay. I forgive you. You didn't try to hurt me, it was an accident."

I slept on the couch that night, by my own choice. I really did forgive Mike but, I just can't share a bed with him yet. I wasn't sure how well I'd be able to sleep. If I'd have a nightmare or not. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"Hey, Chester. How was school?" Brain greeted as I walked in the door.

"It sucked, like always." I threw my bag on the ground, in it's usual place. Third grade was hell.

"Well, the years almost over. I bet next year will be better." Brian smiled.

I walked to my room and laid down. Nobody in my class liked me. They all seemed to think it's funny I don't have any parents. They just had to remind me of that fact everyday. I had one friend, Shane. He was so nice to me. He was a lot older than me but, it was fine. At least, I had a friend. I think he was like 14 or 15.

"Chester!" Brian yelled. He sounded really angry.

"Yeah?" I walked down to the living room. There were a bunch of weird bottles on the coffee table and the room smelled horrible.

"What the fuck is this?" He pulled out my report card. I had a D in math.

"I'm sorry, I'll get a better grade next quarter." I huffed.

"You better start showing me respect." He snarled and slapped me.

"Ow! Brian!"

"Shut up, you little fuck!" He hit me to the ground.

He took off his belt and started beating me with it. What was he doing? He's never hit me before, he's never even threatened to. The belt hurt a lot. Each time it snapped across my back made me want to cry. Why was he doing this? He hit me especially hard and the tears started flowing. After what felt like an eternity, he stopped.

"Get outta my fucking sight, you bastard!" He yelled. I got up and cried myself to sleep that night.

I woke up with my heart pounding. That was the first time Brian beat me. I was sweating and shaking. I hated getting flashbacks from that night or any flashbacks after my parents died. The first few years of abuse were the worst. He'd use anything he could get his hands on to beat me. At first he'd always have a 'reason' then he'd just randomly hit me. He'd always be drunk when he did then apologize in the morning. Then about a year later he'd always be drunk and never apologize. The worst was when he was drunk, he was never quite as vicious when he was sober.

I hated how naive I was. If I wasn't so naive none of this would've happened. I sighed loudly, rubbing my face. I felt dreadful. It was from the lack of drugs, I haven't done any in a day or two. I didn't know know what to do. I didn't want to sleep alone but, I couldn't bring myself to get in bed with Mike. It was 4 in the morning so, I decided I'll just stay up, no matter how badly my body needed sleep.

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