Chapter 20

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Chester POV
"You shouldn't be out here alone in the dark," My stomach dropped. "You don't know what could happen."

He stepped toward me and I went to get up. He took another step toward me and I tried to run away. He grabbed me and pinned me against the wall.

"It's been so long since I've felt your body pressed against mine. God, I missed this feeling."

Shane started grinding against me. He was already hard. I felt a familiar wave of disgust wash over me. I couldn't let this happen again. The second he backed of a little I kneed him in the stomach and started to run.

I didn't get very far. He pulled me back and wrapped his fingers around my throat. His nails were digging into my skin. I squeezed my eyes shut and gritted my teeth at the pain. If he was being this rough now later's going to be so much worse. I tried pulling his hand off of me, but it was no use. I looked up to see nothing, but a cold dead look in his eyes. It was chilling how emotionless they were. Then he smirked.

"There's so many things you need to be punished for, Chazzy." He whispered in my ear. "You moved without my permission, you tried running away from me twice, you even hit me and don't think I've forgotten about your attitude problem. What a little rebel you are."

He let go off me and I dropped to me knees. I coughed so much I started gagging. I felt powerless knowing there was nothing I could do to stop him.

"You're already getting on your knees for me like the whore you are." He said as he pulled my chin up.

I was mortified to see his dick out. One last unwanted cough escaped me. Shane used this opportunity to shove his entire length down my throat. I gagged violently. He grabbed my hair and forced me to suck him off. Shane would force himself completely into my mouth then hold me there for long periods of time. This was part of my punishment. He again forced my head all the way down and came. He stepped away expecting me to swallow. I tried too to avoid further punishment, but I threw up instead.

Shane forced me against the wall again and my head went flying into it. He took off my shirt and pulled down my pants before turning me around. The brick scratched my chest slightly. He pressed himself against me and started biting down on my shoulders. I knew what was about to happen and I started crying.

"You look so beautiful when you're in pain and struggling. You look even better when you're crying." He kissed my cheek.

"Please. I'll do anything just don't. Please Shane." I begged desperately hoping it would some how work.

He roughly pushed into me. I bit my lip hard to prevent any noise from coming out. Blood soon filled my mouth. He started slamming into me. I could feel my inner flesh begin to tear and soon I was bleeding. My chest continued to scrape across the brick and I knew if it continued to do that for much longer it to would bleed. There's going to be so much blood. He grabbed a fistful of hair and started tugging as he raped me. The tugging became harder as did his thrusts. He bit down hard on my shoulder as he came.

"I could go again if I really wanted to. Seeing you like this just makes me so hard. Unfortunately, I have somewhere to be. I'll be seeing you real soon, Chaz."

He pushed me to the ground then walked away. I felt nothing. It felt like my soul had been ripped from my body. I pulled my pants back up, but I laid on the ground for a long time. My phone went off. I had missed a lot of texts from Mike.

"Where are you?"

"Are you safe?"

"Who are you with?"

"Chester, please reply."

"I'm getting really worried."

"Where are you? I'll come and get you. Please reply. I'm so sorry about everything."

"I'm sorry. Please at least let me know you're okay."

"I love you."

I wanted Mike. I needed Mike right now. "I'm in one of the allies at the park." I found my shirt and put it on so, Mike wouldn't be able to tell what happened.

Mike POV
I sped down the street. My heart was pounding, my hands were getting clammy. It was the most dreadful feeling. I slammed on the brakes when I saw Chester's thin frame in the distance. I ran up to him and the first thing I noticed was blood, a lot of it. Chester had some coming out his mouth going down his shirt, there was blood on the ground. The other things I noticed was the bruise on his neck. It was shaped like a hand and it was already a dark purple color. I hugged him tightly.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked as I pulled back to look at him.

"N-nothing." He sounded lifeless, like a drone almost.

"Please tell me."

"I got mugged." He said.

That would explain the blood and bruise, but I couldn't tell if he was lying. I needed to stop second guessing him. If he said he was mugged then I'll believe him. I still couldn't fight the feeling he wasn't telling me everything. We got home and straight away Chester went to take a shower. I decided to make him my grandma's homemade chicken noodle soup. It was like five in the morning , but who cares. The only thing that mattered was he was with me.

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