Chapter 13

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Mike POV
Drugs. Chester was using drugs. Coke, heroin and ecstasy all laid out in front of him. I couldn't believe it. Why would he do something like this? I didn't know what to do.

"Chester!" I yelled waking him up.

"Hmm?" He replied sleepily.

"What the fuck?!?!" I pointed at the array of drugs on the table. He stared horrified at them. "What the hell, Chester?!?!"

"Mike.....I'm s-"

"Don't fucking say you're sorry! I can't fucking believe you! Why the hell would you be doing this?!?!"

"Y-you don't understand, Mike."

"Of course, I don't understand how somebody could voluntarily slowly kill themselves by doing this! How stupid could you fucking be?!?!"

"M-Mike." He whimpered.

"Am I not helping you enough?!?! What reason could you have for doing this?!?! I shouldn't even let you stay here if this is what you're doing!"

"Mikey, no. Please. I'm sorry." He started crying.

"Thirty minutes. I'm leaving for thirty minutes and when I get back those better be gone."

I stormed out off the house and started driving. I didn't know where I was going, I was just driving. I was hurt, scared, angry, confused. Chester needed help. He needed help and I yelled at him instead. I stopped at a small cafe and got a coffee. To make things worse Anna was my server.

"Hi Mike! What are you doing here?" She smiled and handed me a menu.

"I'll just take a coffee." I handed her the menu, not looking to chat.

"You still hanging out with that fag?"

"Fuck off, Anna! You spoiled fucking bitch! I will never be interested in you, okay?!?! Can you understand that?!?! Leave Chester and I alone!" I got up and stormed off.

Nothing was going right today. I drove home to find Chester missing but, the drugs were still sitting on the table. I sighed, put them in the little baggies and went outside. I threw them as far as I could. I had to find Chester and apologize for early. I looked everywhere and couldn't find him.

Chester POV
I couldn't stop crying. Every word Mike said cut into me like a knife. I cut myself after Mike left. My upper thighs were covered with scars. Some fresh, some old. I considered trying to overdose. It wasn't worth it anymore. I packed my things in my duffle bag. Now I was laying in the bed still sobbing. The front door opened and I covered myself with the blankets like a small child. Eventually the bedroom door opened and I started shaking, scared of what might happen.

"Chester. Baby, we need to talk." Mike pulled off the blanket and I curled into a tighter ball. "I'm sorry, baby. I shouldn't have yelled at you or said what I did." He stroked my hair.

"P-please don't k-kick me o-out." I whimpered.

"I would never do that, Chester. I didn't mean anything I said. I was just shocked and overwhelmed. You're going to get better, Chester. I promise."

I latched my arms around his neck and began sobbing even harder. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Mike held me for I don't know how long as I continued to cry. I eventually stopped crying and just sat there in Mike's arms. I was sure Mike had gotten rid of my stash. I didn't want to go through withdrawal, it hurt a lot.

"When did you start?" Mike asked quietly.

"10. I stole part of what Brian had."


"I wanted to forget about everything."

Magical time skip to a two days later●

I clutched my stomach as I laid in bed. My entire body hurt and I constantly felt nauseous. I knew which drugs caused which symptoms I was experiencing.

Coke: Increased anxiety, depression, isolation, mood swings.

Heroin: Shaking, cold sweats and my never ending fever.

LSD: Flashbacks and loss of coordination.

Ecstasy: Confusion, paranoia, not being able to concentrate and memory problems.

I was experiencing all of those symptoms. It was pure hell. The worse symptoms was the shaking, flashbacks and paranoia. I was constantly afraid Rj would be mad I decided to get clean and beat me up or Brian would figure out I stole money from him. It was like every time I closed my eyes I'd be shot back into my childhood. Whether it was Brian beating me or Shane raping me. I needed something to calm my nerves. I could really go for some coke right now. I rolled over and light a cigarette, it wasn't much but, it was something.

"You doing alright?" Mike walked in the room and sat down on the bed.

"Fantastic. Can I take more tylenol yet?"

"Not for another two hours and no smoking in the house."

"Either I smoke in the house or I'm laying outside."

"You wanna try to eat something?"


I went to get out and almost fell down. Mike gave me a concerned look before I stared walking to the living room. I got into my regular spot on the couch while Mike heated up something for me in the microwave. He handed me a plate of chicken enchiladas.

"Here's your food, baby boy." He kissed the top of my head. I was so confused. I didn't ask Mike for food, I don't think. Maybe I did.

"Thanks." I ate slowly. About halfway through my meal I raced to the bathroom as I felt myself getting sick.

Mike POV
Chester was running towards the bathroom. I already knew what was going on. I got up threw away the rest of his food. Maybe I should've given him something lighter, probably. It was hard seeing him in so much pain and not being able to help. He collapsed back onto the couch moments later. No doubt, he was probably hungry. Seeing as he didn't want to eat and what he did eat he couldn't keep down. He was quite the sarcastic guy but, I found his sarcasm to be kind of cute. I tried getting Chester to sleep this whole thing off but, he was having horrible nightmares everytime he went to sleep. Chester had decided to go back to our room. I stayed in the living room till the two hours Chester still had to wait for his tylenol was over. I opened the door to see Chester shaking.

"Chester, you okay? What's wrong?" I sat down next to him rubbing his side.

"H-he's going t-to find me. He's g-going to find me a-and hurt me. H-he's going to h-hurt me." Chester rambled as he bit his fingernails.

"No one's going to hurt you, Chester. You're safe, okay? I'm going to keep you safe."

"I d-don't want him to f-find me. H-he'll get m-mad at m-me and it'll b-be worse. I d-don't want him t-to hurt me. Don't let him hurt me, Mikey." He whimpered. I sat down on the other side of Chester and pulled him into my lap.

"Shhhhh. I won't let anyone touch you. You're going to be okay." I tried to calm him down which seemed impossible.

"H-he'll be so m-mad. I..I d-disobeyed him. N-now, he's g-going to hurt me."

"Who, Chester? Who do you think is coming after you?"


Shane? Who was Shane? Chester continued to ramble for awhile before finally calming down. He was going to be fine, I'd make sure of it. I wanted nothing more than for him to be happy. Chester was lightly snoring which was just too cute. I smiled and closed my eyes, leaning my head back. The next possible few weeks would be rough but, Chester would get through it. I believe in him.

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