Chapter 4

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WARNING: THIS CHAPTER MIGHT MAKE YOU SAD! Anyway hey guys! Omfg all the positive feedback and comments are amazing. I was beyond ecstatic at every comment, view and vote. I'll try to post at least once a week. Thank you soooooooo much to BSkyeSoldier for the amazing shout out. I'll shut up and let you get to what you came for.

Chester POV
Mike had been staring at me for awhile. It was weird and it made me uncomfortable.
"Sorry I wanted to sketch you. I um I draw and well we don't um have anything to do." Mike was acting strange.
Finally the bell had rang and I rushed out of class. I didn't want to exactly go home but, Mike was creeping me out. Surprisingly I actually had a good day. Most people wouldn't consider getting in a fight a good day but, I did. I finally stood up for myself.
*One week later*
Connor came back to school today. I didn't talk much, I knew what was coming. I was walking to class when I was pushed against the lockers. It was happening and I couldn't do anything to stop it.
"Hey Chester! How ya been? I had a great week away! Honestly it was the best, I got yelled at and grounded it was fucking amazing! " Connor ruffled my hair, I immediately jerked my head away.
"I'll get you soon enough bennington." He shoved me hard against the lockers and walked off.
Mike POV
Chester and I had started talking, kind of. He only talked about the project but, it was something. Chester came in about five minutes late. We started typing up our report as soon as he sat down. I tried asking him a few questions but, he said he didn't feel like talking. I accidentally knocked my sketchbook on the ground and before I could grab it Chester was flipping through the pages.
"Stop looking at my drawings please." I tried pleading with Chester. "Ches put my book down please. I really don't like people looking at my art."
I started to feel uneasy and my face heat up as he flipped to the sketch I did of him. He traced the light pencil marks with his finger. I couldn't take it anymore and I snatched my book from him.
"You're a great artist Mike." Chester smiled at me.
"Not really those were random. It's whatever just don't touch my book again."
"S-sorry." Chester looked down at the desk.
"It's fine Chaz. I'm just not comfortable sharing them." He looked up and smiled at me.
Chester POV
I was lying on my bed deciding what I wanted to do with my free time. I wanted to go outside but, I'd have to ask Brian and I nearly had a heart attack every time I talked to him.
I started thinking about Mike. He was starting to grow on me. I didn't know how it happened it just did. I couldn't let him get close to me. In my experience, if you let someone get close you end up getting hurt. I decided I needed to get some fresh air.
"M-may I g-go out to the par-park sir?"
"Be back in an hour." He payed more attention to the t.v than me thankfully.
I was sitting on top of a pinic table listening and writing music. I stopped writing for a second to look over what I've written so far.

I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies

I decided to start to had home. I put my headphones and phone in my pocket.
"What you got there Chester?" I heard Connor behind me. As soon as I tried to run he slammed my back against the table. "Time's up bitch." He pushed me off the table and my head landed on the small amount of concrete around the table. He picked me up and pushed me. "Come on let's fight."
"I'm not going to fight you." I said softly.
"Why not? You were so eager to fight last week. I'll even give you first shot."
I was tempted to take it but, I hate fighting. I didn't like it when I was forced to fight and I hated it when other people fought! Connor hit me hard in the stomach. He then hit me in the face, I fell to the ground coughing and writhing in pain. Before I could even think about curling into a ball I felt someone kick me in the back. I tried not to but, I cried out in pure agony.
"Shut up!" Connor kicked me straight in the face.
"Shit! People are going to hear him." One of them said as I felt the blood pour out of my nose and possibly a tooth chip.
"Don't worry about it. I'll just kick him in the face till he learns." Connor smiled devilishly at me.
He began repeatedly punching me as his friends kicked me. I tried to stay as quiet as possible while they continued to brutalize me.
Mike POV
I headed out to the park shortly after I got home. I went to the park almost every night and usually just walked or shot hoops. About ten minutes into my walk I heard someone cry out in pain. They were close enough for me to decide to check it out. It was probably some dumbass kid on a bike. I got more and more worried as I heard more cries. The only thing keeping me from going into a full sprint was they were getting quieter.
As I got closer my heart sanked as I realized it was Chester. I ran as fast as I could when I saw three people surrounding him. I knew exactly who they were. I stood in front of Chester and put my arms out slightly to protect him. Connor was to my right, Bruce behind me and Jackson to my left.
"Don't ever fucking touch him again." I growled staring directly at Connor. Bruce had tried to lunge at me but, I was watching their shadows. I grabbed him by the throat and dragged him in front of me. I pulled him close then pushed him into Connor.
Connor had gotten in my face and I smirked at him. "Swing. Please it would make my day." He started backing up. "What's wrong Connor? Suddenly don't feel like fighting anymore." I turned my attention to his fuck boys. "Any of you still anxious to fight? No wow. I'll make it a 3 on 1 if you want, it seems to be more your style." I looked around. "Hmmm no? Then leave Chester alone and get the fuck out of here!"
As they started to walk away I heard Chester yelp. I turned my head and figured Jackson kicked him as he walked by. I grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around, and layed him out.
When they were a good distance away I knelt down to Chester. "Oh my God Chester are you okay?" He looked up at me with his soft brown eyes. His nose was bleeding like crazy and a small puddle of blood was just underneath him. He began to sob into my shirt, I stroked his hair as he griped my shirt.
"You feel like getting up? The ground isn't very soft." He pulled his head away enough to look at me.
"No. This parts the worse." I gave him a confused look. "With the c-constant hits you d-don't have time to f-focus on the pain."
"Here take this." I pulled of my shirt and gave it to him for him use. It was a good thing I wore an undershirt today. He shakily reached out for the shirt and held it to his face. After awhile of Chester laying on the ground I helped him up and we sat on the picnic table.
"Sorry this happened to you." I let out a sigh. "You don't deserve shit like this."
"It's okay it wasn't your fault." Chester was so soft-spoken sometimes .
"I've been meaning to ask you something. Why were you always so different around me?"
"What you mean?"
"The first day we had our project you actually talked to me. Hell you even went off on me."
"Oh. I don't know I guess I just knew you wouldn't hurt me."
"Yeah but, you also punched Connor that day and well he um."
"That was different. He just kept pushing me until I couldn't take it anymore. You never did anything to anyone so, I just felt more comfortable around you. Minus the creepy staring thing."
"Yeah I um I had my reasons."
"Oh right. You were drawing me. I thought you just wanted an excuse to stalk me."
"Whatever." I said slightly defeated. "So have any siblings or anything?"
"Yeah. I live with my brother. How 'bout you?''
"I have one younger brother who lives in California with my dad."
"Do you like him?"
"Well yeah. I mean he's an asshole sometimes but, he's still my brother. Why, don't like yours?"
"I hate him!" Chester started crying again. "He's abusive and he hates me just as much as I hate him!"
"Chaz, does he um.."
"Almost daily. Why does everyone hate me Mike? I don't know why everyone does but, they do. I want to know what I did to make everyone hate me. If I knew what I did I'd change it. I'm tired of everyone hating me."
"Chester it has nothing to do with you. You didn't do anything wrong, it's not your fault."
"It has to be something I did. I just don't know what."
"Chester look at me. You've done nothing wrong and there's is nothing wrong with you. Let's talk about something else okay? I hate seeing you upset."
Chester and I talked about almost everything. I hated seeing him this upset and thinking he did something to deserve this. I didn't know why people despised him. He was such a nice kid if you talked to him. We talked for what seemed like forever.
"What time is it?" Chester asked me.
"9:42 why?" Damn we had been talking for almost two hours.
"I I have to go sorry. Goodbye Mike." Chester yelled as he ran off and just like that he was gone.

I'm sorry that this chapter was so sad, in my opinion at least. I hated writing some parts cause I didn't want to hurt Chazzy. Anywho I hope you enjoyed. This chapter was long as fuck for me. Please comment, vote and give me your feedback. Don't be afraid to message me I'm a loner so I'll probably reply quickly. Goodbye

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