Chapter 10

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Oh my gawd, double digits! ^that's what it looks like when I take a picture with my friend RheeanunnC. I'd be Chester in the back being weird.

Mike's POV
I had woken up really early today. My mom was coming back! I had to get ready, clean the house and make breakfast before my mom got here. I tried to roll Chester off of me. Everytime I'd try to he would grip me harder. Eventually I was able to get him off and get in the shower. It took forever to get the whole house clean. I headed back to the bedroom to wake up Chester.

"Chester, wake up." I gently shook him awake.

"What time is it?" He said half asleep.

"5:30. You have to get up my mom's getting here around 6:30."

He grabbed a pillow and hit me with it. "Asshat. It's too early." He rolled over.

"Chester, you have to get up and get ready. I have coffee."

"Shove it up your ass."

"That would hurt." I pulled him out of the bed.

"Put me down!" He hit my shoulder.

"Okay." I acted like I was going to drop him and he clung onto me.

I layed him on the couch and kissed him. I walked into the kitchen and poured some coffee. I put a cup in front of Chester, who was curled into a ball on the couch with a blanket. I eventually got Chester to get up and get ready. I heard a car pull in that I instantly knew it was my moms.

"Mike!" She cried out happily and hugged me.

"Welcome back, mom." She pulled away and kissed me.

"And who is this handsome young man?" She looked at Chester.

"Nice to meet you Ms.Shinoda. I'm Chester." Chester went to shake her hand but, my mom hugged him instead.

"Sorry, I like to hug."

We all sat down and talked for awhile. It was so nice to have my mom back. She was gone for about two months this time. Which wasn't that bad. I had gotten up to make breakfast cause Chester wouldn't stop complaining about it.I decided to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I was about half way through when my mom came in.

"Since when did you make food?" My mom laughed.

"Wow. I try to do something nice and this is what I get."

"So you and Chester. How long has that been going on?"

"A few weeks. Hey, so um Chester has been staying here for awhile." I said nervously.


"He can't go back home. So, I let him stay here."

"Why, Micheal?'' She said seriously.

"Um. His brother wasn't the nicest person. He uh beat him."

She smiled at me. "He better be staying here, if that's the case."

I smiled and finished cooking. I brought Chester his plate and we ate in the living room. I don't know how long we talked for. Chester didn't talk to much, he just kinda leaned against me. Nothing much happened for the rest of the day we just talked pretty much. Chester was heading off to the guest room when I grabbed his hand.

"Why don't you just come with me? You'll end up there in the middle of the night anyways."


He got in bed and Chester instantly snuggled up to me. "I like your mom. She's nice."

"I'm sure she likes you too." I smiled.

Chester's POV
Mike and I were in his room hanging out. Mike was playing video games while I watched. I didn't mind watching him play, seeing as I was horrible at video games. The funniest part was when Mike got pissed at the game. I didn't understand how he could get so angry at a game. I was also getting more comfortable with Mike in a different sense. I was still a little hesitant but, I was getting there. I leaned over the bed and decided to play with Mike's hair.

"Could you not?" Mike moved his head slightly.

"I could but, I don't want to."

"I'm trying to focus."

"That's nice."

"Chester." He whined.

"Mike." I mocked.

"Stop it."

"What you going do?" I smiled.

He sighed, paused his game, and got up. He pushed me down onto the bed and leaned over me. Out of nowhere, he started tickling me. He continued to do that until I couldn't breath. Mike looked at me before kissing me. The kiss escalated quickly. Mike tugged on my lip ring and I parted my lips slightly. His tounge started exploring my mouth, I moan lightly. His hands went under my shirt and I started to get a little uneasy.

"No. He's not Shane. He won't hurt me. I'm safe." I told myself and calmed down.

Mike must've sensed my uneasiness and he put his hands on my hips. Mike pulled away only to started kissing down my jaw to my neck. I decided I needed to stop worrying about it and just enjoy it. Mike ran his tounge over a particularly sensitive area of my neck causing me to gasp. I felt Mike smirk against my neck. He started sucking that area and I moaned. He started lightly biting it, adding to the pleasure. He took of my shirt and let his hands explore my body.

"M-Mike." I whimpered feeling my anxiety rising.

"You're fine, baby. I won't hurt you." Mike started kissing me again. His one hand left my chest and started stroking my hair.

"M-Mike." I cried out desperately.

"You'll be okay, Chester. Just relax."

I started breathing faster and Mike bit down on my neck. His hands went down a little and he tugged on the waist band of my pants. This was becoming too much. I couldn't handle this.

"Mike, stop." I whimpered loudly.

"You're okay, Chaz. You're going to be fine." He said lovingly. It was like he wasn't hearing me.

"Mike, stop! I can't do this."

His hand went down and groped me. I punched him in the jaw and scurried away. I hugged my knees to my chest and started crying in a corner, shaking hard.

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