Chapter 27

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Mike POV
I woke up with Chester's naked body pressed to my side. Last night was amazing. I kissed the top of his head and got up to put some boxers on. Chester was sound asleep and snoring lightly. I shook him lightly, feeling bad I had to wake him, but we had stuff to do today.

"Morning, sunshine." I stroked his hair.

"Never call me that again." He said sleepily.

"Why not?" I smiled.

"Cause I said so."

"Let's get up and get some breakfast." I started walking before realizing Chester was still in bed.

"Get your lazy ass up." I smiled.

"Can you just bring me some food?"


"Please, I uhm, I'm. Walking is a bit difficult." Chester said blushing like crazy.

I took me a minute to realize what he meant. I smiled and walked downstairs, into the kitchen. I was in the middle of making my cereal when my mom came into the kitchen.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Morning. Next time you and Chester want to get intimate make sure I'm not in the house."

My face went scarlett. Why couldn't she be like most mom's and just not mention it.

"I'm serious, Micheal."

"I know. It's not like I planned to do...... that while you were here." I walked up to Chester and I's room and handed him his cereal.


"You know, you're kinda loud." I winked at him. I just had to mess with him about this.

"Oh....uhm." He started blushing heavily. He just looked so cute when he blushed.

"Pretty sure you woke up the entire neighborhood." I stifled my laughter.

"Did...... did uhm.....your mom?"

"Yeah." I said rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. Chester hid his face under the blanket.

"You okay?" I asked, laughing.

"No." I laid down next to him and got under the blanket.

"It's fine, Chester. My mom knows I'm active."

"That doesn't help the fact she heard us."

"Don't worry about it, baby. I plan on making you scream next time." I nipped at his neck before kissing up to his lips.

"Saying that doesn't make me feel any less awkward about her hearing us."

"I know. I thought you just wanted to know that."

Chester POV
I fixed my hair in the bathroom. I'm actually graduating. I never thought I'd make it this far, but here I am. I'm only graduating cause of Mike. He's the only reason I'm graduating. I took a deep breath as I headed into the room with all the other students. I was so happy to know I'd finally got out of this hell hole. The teacher was lecturing us about what we're supposed to do and how were suppose to act. A few minutes later they started to call names.

"Chester Charles Bennington." The principal called out.

I got up and looked back to see Mike smiling at me. This was actually happening. I'm actually graduated high school.

I walked up shook her hand and took my stuff. A while later they called Mike's name and he did the same thing. They finally got done with the ceremony and we were allowed to go see our families. Mike's friends showed up without any of us knowing. Mike ran up to the and jumped on Rob.

"I know this may not mean much, but I'm so proud of you Chester." Mike's mom hugged me.


That was it. I couldn't control it anymore. I walked off and started crying. This wasn't suppose to happen like this. My family was suppose to be here. They were suppose to watch me graduate. That was one thing I always looked forward to as a kid. I sat against the brick wall trying to stop the tears from falling.

"Why are you crying?" I looked up to see Jason standing above me.

"G-go away." I sighed.

"Isn't this suppose to be a happy occasion? Where's your parents anyways?"

"Fuck off, kid."

"You're a fucking freak." I closed my eyes and sighed.

Mike warned me Jason would act like this. Jason was only acting like this cause I was Mike's boyfriend and he was homophobic.

"You're family isn't here cause they probably hate you. Fucking fag."

"Shut the fuck up kid. You don't know what the hell you're talking about."

"Leave him alone, you little fuck!" Mike pushed Jason then crouched down to my level. Jason huffed and walked away.

"You okay? What's wrong, baby?" Mike ran his hand through my hair.

"This isn't right. They were suppose to be here. My family should've been here." I cried into Mike's shoulder.

"Shh. It's okay, baby. Look at me. I'm here and I promise that's all you'll ever need, okay? I'll always be here for you."


"On my life."


This is such a bittersweet moment for me. I'm sad this story has ended but I'm so happy I was able to publish it. Thank you guys so much for all the support and comments. There will be a epilogue and a sequel. The sequel will be called 'In Pieces' so look out for that coming soon.

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