Chapter 6

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I'm soooooooo sorry for the long wait. The last few weeks of school were stressful as fuck. Anyways I got promoted on the 19th. I'm now a freshman! I'll let you read this long overdue update now.

Mike POV
I opened the passenger door for Chester. He was shaking slightly, no doubt nervous about the situation. Which I understood. It's not everyday someone's like, "Hey get in my car because I don't think you should be in school at the moment." I started driving noticing Chester didn't look like he was going to calm down anytime soon.

"What bands you listen to?" I asked casually.

"D-depche Mode or S-stone Temple P-pilots."

I put in my STP cd in, hoping it would help Chester relax. We finally got to my house after about a twenty minute drive. I opened the door for Chester, he got out and stared at my house. It was a big house.

"As much as I'd love to watch you stare at my house, We need to make sure your cuts aren't infected."

We made our way into my kitchen and I pulled out a stool for him. I went to the bathroom and grabbed the peroxide and some bandages. I set them on the bar and wetted a wash cloth.

"Okay, let me see." I gently lifted his head so he was looking at me. I started wiping his face be as careful as I could. He shivered as I cleaned his face. I looked down at the now dirt and dried blood filled cloth.

"How did you manage to get so much dirt on your face?" I asked with a slight chuckle.

"B-brian threw me outside a f-few minutes after the sprinklers g-got done." He spoke so lowly you could hardly hear his voice.

"So you just kinda laid there?"

"No. I had a fucking rave! If I could've moved I would've." Chester tried to scowl at me, but his eyes still looked scared.

"Well, fun parts over. This is probably going to sting like hell."

I poured some of the peroxide on a cotton ball and pressed it to the few still open cuts. He inhaled sharply, but otherwise he was fine. I stepped back to look at Chester's face. Even when he looked messed up he looked beautiful. Bad Mike! You're suppose to be helping Chester not checking him out!

"The bathroom is down the left hall, last room on the right. If you decide to take a shower, which I suggest you do cause the water flow should help relax your muscles. Anyway if you want to take a shower just leave your clothes outside the door and I'll wash them for you." I gave him a small smile.

Chester's POV
I didn't know why Mike was being so nice to me. He didn't have to do this. I threw my clothes outside the door and started the water. The water was cold. I didn't mind thought, it felt nice to take a shower after laying in dirt for two days. Not to mention the fact Mike's shower head had adjustable setting, which felt nice. I stepped out of the shower and began to dry off. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked dreadful. Not only did I have the obvious bruises, but dark circles were staring to form underneath my eyes. I felt nauseous and ran to the toilet. I began gagging, but luckily didn't throw up.

"Damn withdrawal." I sighed to myself.

I grabbed the little bag of white pills on the counter. I made sure to grab them before I placed my hoodie outside the door. I grabbed a small amount and chewed them up. Usually I take more, but I didn't have any money at the time and I didnt want Mike catching on. I peeked out the door to find my clothes neatly folded in front of the door with a note on them.

Dear Chester,
These clothes are like a size or two bigger than you. Sorry for the lack of hot water, I showered before school. I hope by the time you read this your clothes are still warm from the dryer. Again sorry about the water........ I still can't get over how big these clothes are compared to you. Be careful you might get consumed by them.

Mike ;)

"You're a dork!" I yelled grabbing my clothes. The morphine was starting to take affect. I looked at myself in the mirror once more. Dark, long, purple bruises went in multiple directions. Horizontal, vertical, diagnol all covering my very pale chest. I couldn't imagine what my back looked like.

Brief Mike POV
I heard Chester call me a dork and I laughed lightly. I thought the note would at least make him smile. Even if he thinks I'm a huge dork, I'm happy. Chester came staggering into the living room moments later.

"How you feeling?" I asked.

"Like I got beat up by four guys two days ago."

"I'll get you some tylenol then." I got up and got him the pills and some water. "Here you go."


Chester POV
I didn't actually take the pills. I appreciated the offer, but I didn't want to take the chance of overdosing. I had a lot of drugs in my system at the moment. I don't know how long Mike would let me stay here. Probably not long. That's fine, I needed to get home soon anyways.

"Chester, wake up.''

"S-sorry." I quickly apologized.

"You apologize too much.'' Mike lightly pushed my shoulder. "It's okay, I zone out on my mom all the time. You play video games?"

"N-no." I said slightly embarrassed at the fact I was probably the only 17 year old in America who didn't really know anything about video games.

"Wanna try?


We played for hours. Mike had completely and utterly destroyed me, but I still had tons of fun. That was until I started getting cravings.

"Mike, what time is it?"

"Nine thirty."

"I....I have to go. I had lots of fun." I rushed for the door.

"Not happening." Mike put his hand on the door, blocking it.

"Mike, I can't stay here. I have to go home." I was slightly trembling

"Chester, calm down. You don't have to stay here, but I can't let you go home with your brother."

"I don't have anywhere else." I sighed.

"I know a great hotel a few minutes from here. I'll book you a room."

"Fine." I caved in.

Hey! Sorry not much happened in this chapter. Once again sorry for the wait. Now I'm out of school I should be updating faster. But with me you never know. Next chapter is going to have some things going on. Expect more really late night or to be technical really early morning updates. I'm a complete night owl. Imma upload this and go to bed, I'm tired as fuck okay? lol bye now!

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