Chapter 5

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    Chester's POV
   I ran home as fast as I could. I was late! This was going to bad. I started approaching my door and had second thoughts on going in. I could stay out for the next few days, maybe a week or two. I shakily reached out for the door knob. Anxiety and dread washed over me as I touched the cool metal. I opened the door just enough to slip in and closed it softly. If Brain went to bed maybe he wouldn't know how long I was out.

  I tried quietly walking to my room when I felt a hand on the back of my neck. "Where the fuck were you?!?!" Brian started shouting as he threw me into the door.
"I-im sorry." I cried out as the door nob hit me in the middle of my back.

  "Son of a bitch! You were out there for two damn hours!" Brian punched and I fell harder against the door. My legs gave out and I started falling down. I got kicked in the chest as I fell.
  "I-im sorry. P-please stop. I-i-it w-won't happen a-again." I tried pleading with him. I was wrong about early, this was just going to be bad. It was going to be worse than ever before.

   Brian grabbed my shirt and threw me to the middle of the living room. I winced as my bad leg hit the ground. Sometime in the early beat down I must've landed wrong or something. He started repeatedly punching me. I knew this time he didn't care about leaving a bruise or anything, even though it's hard to get my face to bruise.

  Brian had hit my bad leg and I let out a small yelp. I didn't want to, I couldn't let him know of anywhere I was hurt. Unfortunately he picked up on it and gave me an evil smirk. He stomped on my ankle and held his foot there. I started screaming and Brian used his other foot to kick me in the ribs. When he finally got off I brought me knee up to my chest, grabbing my ankle.

   He walked off and I thought it was over. I rolled onto my stomach and began sobbing. Everything hurt. Every part of my body was in pain. Out of nowhere I felt a blunt force hit my back. Then again I felt the same force against my back. I rolled over to see Brian holding a cane. He hit me a few times more in my stomach and chest. I rolled back over not wanting to break any ribs.

   He grabbed the back of neck and dragged me towards the back door. My entire body was numb. He opened the door and threw me out.

    "Stay out as late as you fucking want!" He slammed the door behind him. The ground was wet and soft, sprinklers must've just got done.
  I laid there in agony, dreading my existence. The door locked behind me, it was going to be a long night. I didn't care anymore. I didn't care about school, my brother, Mike, or my life. I felt like all my energy got drained.

    I was having a good day before the park. Mike and I had a small, but nice conversation. I got to go outside and well that was nice for the first little while. Then my world came crashing down. Luckily Mike had found me. After that I thought I'd be okay, but nothing good ever lasts.

   *Two days later*

   Mike POV
     I was getting worried about Chester. He hadn't been to school since the park incident. The part that scared me the most is when he freaked out cause he was late. The look of fear in his eyes was chilling. I was afraid for him after what he told me about his brother. All I could do was hope he's okay.

   I was sitting on a bench, staring down the front gate. Finally I saw Chester stumble through the front gate. I ran up to him and tried to put my hand on his shoulder. He whimpered and I pulled my hand away. At this point I knew something was wrong.

  "Chaz are....are you okay?"

"I-im fine. J-just leave m-me a-alone." Chester continued staring at the ground. He did this regularly, but not around me.

   "Chaz look at me." I spoke, he didn't move.
   "Chaz look at me." I said more assertively.

    He jumped a little then looked up at me. I pulled his hood, that was covering most of his face, back. His right eye had a huge bruise. He had a cut right above his left eye, it looked dirty like he didn't clean it. His bottom lip split down the middle accompanied by another bruise.

   "Oh my God. Chester wh-what happened?"

    "I was late."

    My heart sanked. Fuck! Chester didn't deserve this! He was such a sweet kid. He reminded me of a hurt dog. He distanced himself for fear of getting hurt. He didn't like people getting close to him. He'd eventually attack if you cornered him. Deep down, though, he was hurt and he just wanted some love. He wanted to feel cared for, he wanted someone he could trust. I don't understand how anyone could hurt him or possibly hate him.

     I looked at Chester once again and my thoughts went in a different direction. Brian. Brian did this to him. He'd been doing this shit to him for years. I wanted to find his brother and kick his ass. No. I wanted to kill him.

    The bell rang and Chester started walking to class. I lightly put my hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

     "I don't think so." I grabbed his wrist being as careful as I could and guiding him to the parking lot. As we got close Chester randomly planted his feet.

    "Come on Chester, don't make this difficult." Chester wouldn't budge.

   "Where are w-we going?"

    "My house, now get in the car."

    "M-Mike I have to stay here."
    "Why? You don't do your work and sorry to say, but I'm your only friend. You obviously didn't clean that cut on your face and infections are a bitch. I also don't want Connor or anyone touching you, you're already in pretty bad condition. Chester just let me help you. You can trust me Chaz."

   I'm going to just leave that there. I'm soooooooo fucking sorry it took so long to update. Save all the it's okay to take long's for someone else. That sounded ruder than I intended. Anyways that felt like kind of an emotionally heavy chapter for me. Maybe it's just me, tell me what you think in the comments. Send BSkyeSoldier a bunch of messages saying 'go fuck yourself ' for me thanks. She's been messing with my feels! More too come soon.

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