Chapter 8

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Two chapters in one day, yay!!!!! I'm in Minnesota and my cousins won't let me write!!! And one of them kept trying to lick me! I love them though.

Mike POV
I woke up with Chester still in my lap, sleeping peacefully. His breaking quickened and his grip on me tightened. He was murmuring something and slightly shaking his head.

"Shhhhh. You're okay Chester. You're fine." I cooed and petted the top of his head. He relaxed and had a small smile on his face.

He was just too much sometimes. He was so adorable, but I've only seen him act that way with me. People were such assholes to him for no reason. If they actually got to know him they'd know he's an amazing person. I felt Chester moving around and I saw his breath taking brown eyes.

"Morning Chester." I smiled at him.

"Hey. Sorry for falling asleep on you and waking you up so late." Chester started nervously rambling.

"Chester, calm down. I don't care about it."

"I know, but I just feel really weird about it and-"

"I told you it's okay. When does Brian work?" I changed the subject and noticed Chester was still sitting in my lap. He didn't look like he'd be moving anytime soon.

"10 to 4 during the week. 8 to 6 during the weekends."

"Wanna go get your clothes now? It's 9:30."


Chester's POV
I was terrified at the thought of going back to my house. I knew Brian was working, but it still scared me. I finally got out of Mike's lap and fixed my hair up a little bit. I liked when Mike hugged me, it made me feel safe. We drove to my house even though I told Mike it's within walking range. I nervously walked to the front door.

"I'll be right outside the door, okay? You told me Brian shouldn't be here remember? You'll be fine." Mike tried calming me down.

I opened the door then walked into my room. I grabbed everything I needed. Headphones, my shitty phone, my songbook and my clothes. I took the drugs out of my sweatshirt and hid them in the duffle bag. I also changed my clothes. I double checked my room and started to head out.

"Where are you going?" I stopped in my tracks. Brian. He shouldn't be here, he should be working.

"'m m-moving out." I was paralyzed with fear.

"What dumbass would want to live with you?"

"M-my f-friend Mike."

"I wish I got rid of you sooner."

"Fuck you too Brian!" I yelled. Brian looked shocked as was I.

"You worthless faggot." He growled as he started coming towards me. I didn't know what to do. I had Mike.

"MIKE! MIKE PLEASE!" I screamed.

"Shut the fuck up!" Brain hit me.

Mike's POV
"MIKE! MIKE PLEASE!" Chester yelled.

I raced from the hood of my car to the house. I opened the door and Brian had hit Chester. I ran up to Brian and slugged him. He looked like he was going to try to punch me. I had pushed him against the wall to get a good distance between us. Brian was pretty big and I didn't think I would be able to hold my own for very long.

"Come on, Chester. Get your stuff and let's go." I said.

"Good luck with the slut. The only good thing about him is he didn't bruise easily." Brian sneered.

I'll Protect You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora