Chapter 19

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Mike POV
My friends were leaving today. I was upset but, the week they were here was amazing. Chester had finally started talking to them about two days ago. I knew he'd get over himself eventually. All of them packed into a mini van and sped off. As much as Chester liked them I could tell he was relieved they were gone.

"Have fun?" Chester asked sweetly wrapping his arms around me.

"Yeah. It was nice hanging out with them again." He smiled as I looked into his captivating brown eyes.

I cupped his cheek with one hand and kissed him gently. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and leaned his body towards me. I put my hand on his hips, savoring his taste. I ran one hand up his chest. He pulled back.

"I'm sorry." He said awkwardly. I just gave probably one of the world's fakest smiles.

I didn't know why, but Chester's been getting on my nerves a lot lately. He's just......him. I don't know how else to explain it. I love him, but he's annoying as hell. The main thing that gets me is his dependency on me for every little thing. We can't do anything without him clinging onto me. I try my best to help him, but he's almost completely dependent on me. He's seventeen for fucks sake. He should be able to sleep at night. He doesn't need a boyfriend, he needs a fucking caretaker.

I have to practically drag him outside for him to go have dinner with me. I don't want to be stuck in the house all day. Chester throws a huge fit if I even mention going out, so I'm stuck inside all the time. Of course, Chester hates being home alone as well. So, I can't go out by myself. It was stressful to say the least.

Trigger warning

Chester POV
It was obvious Mike was upset with me. I didn't know why. There's so many things I fuck up. I busted a small pencil sharpener and took out the blade. I inhaled sharply as I dragged it across my upper thigh. The pain soon faded into pleasure. I cut for what seemed like forever. After I finally stopped I broke down crying again. All I've been doing lately is crying. I felt worse than before I started cutting.

I laid down on the bed and began sobbing, again. My eyes hurt from crying so much. I wanted Mike. He would hold me and tell me everything's okay. He hasn't been doing that lately. He's been really distant. I hated it. He probably doesn't want to put up with me anymore. The first night his friends were over and I had that nightmare, waking to Mike holding me felt amazing. Then he left me.

"Chester." Mike called softly. He came in the room. "Baby, what's wrong?" He laid down next to me, stroking my hair.

"Just hold me, please." I whispered.

Mike smiled and wrapped his arms around me. I didn't understand him. One minute he's mad at me for hugging him, the next he's cuddling with me in bed. I pushed those thoughts away and enjoyed the moment.

"Chester. Guess what?"


"Christmas is coming up soon." Mike said cheerfully.

"Oh. I forgot."

"You don't sound very excited." Mike kissed my forehead.

"I just don't have lots of good experiences with Christmas." I shrugged as horrible memories flooded my mind.

"Well, maybe I can change that."

Christmas was a horrible time of year for me. Brian never celebrated Christmas after he started drinking. If I brought it up he'd get pissed. If I did celebrate it, it wasn't with people I liked. Christmas became about me letting a certain someone use my body. I grew to hate Christmas.

Mike got up to go into the bathroom and when he came in he looked angry as hell.

"I can't believe you!" He yelled.

"What?" I shrunk into the backboard.

"Where is it?"

"Where's what?"

"The pot." I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"How did you-"

"That doesn't fucking matter. Where is it?"

"In my drawer." I lowered my head. Mike was mad at me. I didn't know of any worse feeling than him being mad at me.

"You promised me you quit!"

"Weed isn't that bad. It's just as bad as smoking a cigarette." I tried to calm him down.

"It's a drug. You're fucking hopeless."

"Fuck you, asshole." I shot back.

"You're pathetic." My heart stopped. I felt tears spring into my eyes. I should just leave. Mike doesn't love me anymore.

"Maybe I should leave. It'd be better for both of us." I held back the tears that were threatening to break free.

"Where would you go? I'm the only one who hasn't given up on you."

I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed past Mike and went out the front door. I could go to Rj's house. He'd let me in. Maybe he'd let me take some coke. I broke down. I walked into one of the allies near the park. I sat against the brick wall and buried my face in my arms as I cried. It was pitch black out. The only light was coming from the dim streetlights.

"You shouldn't be out here alone in the dark"

Sorry it's a bit short.

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