Chapter 12

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Chester POV
It had been two weeks since the incident. Things were finally going back to normal between us. I could finally let Mike kiss me and stuff. Meanwhile, my stash was getting low and it'd be gone soon. I needed someway of getting money, I needed those drugs. They were the only things keeping me sane, they were the only thing making me happy. On the flip side they were slowly destroying me from the inside out. I tried getting clean once but, I ended feeling even worse without them.

"Hey, Chester." Mike snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hi Mikey." He leaned down and kissed me.

"I'm bored. Let's go somewhere."

"Ew, the outside world." I smiled.

"You have to go outside. Let's go to the mall." Mike laughed.

"Ugh. Fine." I got up and went to the bathroom to fix my hair.

We got into the car and started driving. I swear Mike is the worst driver there is. Most of the time he has to slam on the breaks for a red light, he goes above the speed limit, he turns the radio on too high. I'm making him let me drive next time. We got into the mall and I grabbed Mike's hand tightly. There were so many people. I hated the mall just because of how many people were there. Mike and I hit up the food court first. We couldn't agree on what to eat so Mike handed me twenty dollars to get some Panda Express. I waited in line and saw a help wanted sign. I could work here! This would help feed my habit and I wouldn't have to make Mike pay for everything!

"Hi uhm are you hiring?" I asked nervously.

"Yes we are!" The girl answered excitedly.

"May I h-have an application form?"

"Sure thing!" She handed me one. "Is that all you'll be needing?" I ordered my food and sat down with Mike.

"What's that?" Mike pointed at the application.

"Nothin'." I took a bit of my orange chicken.

"It's an application form isn't it?"


"Cool. Wanna hit up Hot Topic?"


I walked into the Hot Topic and began looking around. It was so cool. There was so many cool shirts and other things. I was between two STP shirts and two Depeche Mode shirts. They were all so awesome. After a few minutes I finally settled on a STP shirt. Mike payed for my shirt and a few things of his own.

"I think I left my phone in the store. Sit tight, I'll be back in a second."

Mike POV
I went back into the Hot Topic to buy the other shirts Chester was looking at. It was going to be expensive and I knew Chester would never be okay with this until we were back home and it was too late. I put the shirts in my bag of stuff and headed back to Chazzy. I stopped at GameStop and looked at some games. I didn't buy any games.

"Hand over the keys, bitch." Chester smiled as we walked to my car.

"Excuse me?" I laughed. Hearing Chester talk like that was hilarious.

"Did I stutter?"

"Damn, attitude. Wait, when did you learn how to drive?"

"An old friend. Now, give me the keys."

"But it's my car."

"But you're a horrible driver."

I tosses Chester my keys and got in the passenger seat. Bad driver, my ass. I wasn't that bad. I didn't quite get why Chester was looking for a job. I was happy for him but, I was fine with him living of my money. It was whatever. I only really cared about this cause this meant I'd get to spend less time with him. If he did get the job I planned on going in there and being the world's pickiest customer. We got home and we headed to our room to put our clothes away.

"Chester, can you look in that back for my t-shirt?" Chester looked in the bag that had all the band tees I bought for him.

"Mike?!?! This has to cost a fortune! I mean thank you but, this had too be expensive."

"And? Your point is?"

"You really don't need to spend this much money on me."

"Well, it's too late to return it."

"Thank you, Mikey." Chester hugged me tightly.

Chester POV
I was completely out of drugs and it was taking a toll on my body. Everything hurt. I need more drugs. I'd use anything at this point. Three days and I was already a mess. Mike, his mom and I were all on the couch watching Jeopardy. His mom was trying to guess the right answer meanwhile, Mike was yelling random things. My stomach started to hurt again and I buried my face in his neck. The pain was horrible. I fell to the floor and started violently gagging before throwing up. I continued to convulse until I rolled onto my side grabbing my stomach.

"Holy shit, Chester! Are you okay?" Mike leaned down and put his hand on my side.

"Mikey." I groaned.

Mike picked me up and carried me into our bedroom before laying me on the bed. He put the back of his hand on my forehead then ran to the bathroom. He came back and put a cold washcloth and my forehead causing me to shiver.

"Are you okay, Chester? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Mike continued to rub the cold washcloth over my face. He ran off again and put a thermometer in my mouth. "100.5 . You definitely have a fever."

"I'm cold." I said weakly. Mike covered me with blankets. Soon after I kicked them off as I started to get warm again. Mike laid down with me and wrapped his arms around me. It took almost all night but, I finally fell asleep.

○A few days later○
Almost a week without drugs and I was getting desperate. I needed money somehow. I couldn't steal from Mike. There was no way of me getting money. I knew one way but, it was risky. I'd have to do it though. I needed a fix somehow. I walked to my old neighborhood to find Brian's car gone. I knew the front door was unlocked so, I walked threw there and into his bedroom. Underneath his cd collection was some cash he kept. I grabbed about $400. That'll last me for my next two or three times I need to buy. After that I headed down to Rj's house and bought $200 with of drugs. Mike would be gone for the day so, I just threw my stash on the coffee table. Mike was currently at the airport dropping of his mom. I took some coke and heroin then dozed off.

Brief Mike POV
It didn't take quite as long as I thought to get my mom on her plane. Maybe I'd get home early then I thought and surprise Chazzy boy. I've been so worried about him. He's been so sick lately and he looks like he's about to collapse and die any minute. Poor thing. I grabbed some food on my way home. I opened the door to see Chester passed out on the couch. On the coffee table, however, was some white powder, a needle, and some pills.

Ayyy! Was it a good chapter? Anyways how do you think Mike will react in the next chapter?

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