01. "Oh, no way!"

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Katie's POV

I was awoken by the morning sunrays shining through my bedroom window. It was absolutely amazing. I love waking up into a nice summer morning. Full of energy and happiness I jumped out of bed, drank my favourite smoothie and went for a morning run on the beach. Fresh morning air is one of the best things that could happen to you at the start of the day. I absolutely love running and listening to my favourite music. That way I can forget all the problems I have in life.

Like always after a workout I checked what's new on my social media and my email.

„Oh, no way!“ I shouted.

I am invited to a job interview on Friday. How is this possible? Well, let me explain. Three days ago, I found a job add. In fact, I applied for a job as a stylist. I love this job, but to tell you the truth, I don't know what to expect. Oh well, we'll see. I'll let it surprise me.

I have to bring my documents and some other papers with me.

I opened my drawer and started searching amongst all the papers, some important, some not so important. I really should clean up this junk, it has probably been lying untouched in the drawers for a few years. While I was searching I came across a diary that I kept a few years back.


1st July 2008

My name is Katie and today I decided to start writing a diary. My life was perfect and full of adventures all up until yesterday. Today everything turned upside down. My mom and I moved far away from the city of my childhood. I came to a new place and completely different people, people with habits and interests very different to mine. I don't know anyone here. I fell like my life doesn't have a purpose anymore. How will my new schoolmates take me next school year? How will I adjust to a new environment? I have many more questions like this running through my head at the moment.

Well, why did I move in the first place? My parents got divorced and on top of that I lost my best friend with whom I spent each and every free second of my life for the past three years. I never liked hanging out with girls, he was absolutely the best and we trusted each other with everything. Now I have no one to talk to anymore. I miss him very much already, even though it's only the first day that we've been apart.


My eyes filled up with tears and I didn't want to read further. All those adventures that we shared together will forever stay in my heart. We were the same age, maybe that's why we were so connected. I remember, everywhere he went I went along and everywhere I went, he went with me. We were like one.


1st July 2009

Exactly one year passed since I first wrote in this diary. I will write the last words today. I keep repeating myself, it doesn't make sense anymore. I can only say one thing, and I've said it a million times: I MISS HIM!

We lost all contact, even though we promised to always be there for each other and to help one another in tough times...


Why am I even reading this? I asked myself. I miss him enough as it is, now the pain is even greater than before. The only thing I have left from him is a teddy bear that he gave me for my birthday the year we first met.

Five years passed since then, we're both adults now. Maybe he doesn't remember me at all, maybe he forgot all about me. No matter what, he will always stay in my heart as my best friend, someone I could trust. You don't meet a person like that behind every corner.   

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