06. "Did anyone see?"

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Katie's POV

Harry and I went out for lunch and shopping in the biggest shopping center that I have ever seen. I need to buy some new clothes. I like it when I have someone with me that can give me advice on which items to pick. I think Harry is a very good choice for that. He has excellent taste and knows about fashion.

“Katie, look. This dress is very pretty. You must try it.”

“Oh, Harry, you're simply fantastic. You always know what I like. It is really pretty.”

“And these pants? What do you think? Look at this shirt? Do you think it would look good on me?”

“Hahaha.” I laughed out loud. “Everything looks good on you.”

“Oh, that's not true.”

“Of course it is.”

“If you say so.” he smiled.

“Can you hold my purse?” I asked him. My hands were full of clothes to try on.

“Sure, give me all the clothes as well.”

I buried him under all the clothes. He was my personal hanger and probably he didn't even know where he was going. Yeah, he probably didn't. We were walking down an isle and suddenly I heard a loud thud. I turned around and what did I see? He fell over.

“Are you okay?” I asked him, a little afraid.

He started laughing and I immediately knew he was alright.

“Here, let me help you get up.” I said and offered him my hand.

“Did anyone see?”

“Yes, the whole store is laughing at you.” I added laughing.

“Katie, you will be the death of me.” he laughed.

“Oh, it's not that bad. You got through the worst of it.” I teased him. “Shall we go to the fitting rooms now?”

Trying on clothes is my favorite part of shopping and it's probably best if you don't know what we did in there. Well, nothing like that, but it was fun.

After three hours we had at least 10 bags each and we walked back to the hotel. Shopping always tires me, but we had a blast. We'll probably do it again.

The boys were playing football outside the hotel. I could tell they were out, since there were a lot of screaming fans around, wanting to speak with them. But the boys need some privacy and freedom. They always try to please the fans, they like to cheer them up and brighten their day.

“Katie and Harry went shopping!” Niall screamed.

“What, did you rob the whole shopping center? Look at how many bags you have. You are seriously crazy.” Louis joked.

“Did you get me anything?” Niall added.

“Sorry, no. You should of said it sooner.”

“Oh, that's not fair.”

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