02. "Oh my god!"

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Katie's POV

Today is the day of my job audition. I was walking down a corridor, looking for the room number 120. Finally I found the right door. Actually it was hard to miss it, there were many other girls waiting in front of it, all here for the same reason as me.

The girls were being called into the room one by one. I was more and more nervous by the minute, although to tell you the truth, I don't know why. I know I don't have even 0.1% chance of being picked. But never the less, I thought I would give it a shot.

After a good hour of waiting and stressing out it was finally my turn. I stepped through the door.


“Hello miss. Please, take a seat.”

I sat down on the chair and waited to be asked something.

“So, you must be Katie. First I must ask you, do you have any experience in this line of work?”

“Well, if I can call this experience, I did work as an assistant...”

“Please, continue, tell us all about it.”


“Alright, we'll let you know if we decide to pick you for the job. Have a pleasant day and goodbye.”


 What a relief. The first step is behind me, now all I have to do is wait for their decision.


Dear Miss Katie,

We are pleased to inform you that you've been chosen for the job of a stylist abroad. Details about your work are bellow.

On July 1st 2013 you'll depart to USA, New York and you'll be working with the band One Direction...

“Oh my god!” I screamed, probably a bit too loud and scared all my neighbors.

Whaaaaaat? How is this possible? I can't believe it! One Direction?

I was so thrilled that I couldn't bring myself to read on. I thought my eyes were deceiving me. I read the first paragraph at least a hundred times and I still didn't get it.


Woohoo New York! I was screaming on the inside as I stepped off the plane and headed to my taxi, which was waiting to take me to my work place. I was really excited. I couldn't wait to meet the boys and start work.

After a half and hour taxi journey I finally arrived. I took my suitcases, of which I had too many - four to be exact, and entered the hotel. Lou was already there, waiting for me. I recognized her as soon as I walked in. I headed in her direction. Looks like she also immediately knew who I was and why I was there.

“Hi Katie, I'm Lou. Nice to meet you.”

“Hi, nice to meet you too.” I added.

“I'll take you to your room and then we'll go meet the boys. Well, you probably already know who they are, right?”

“Umm, yeah, I do.” I was completely lost for words.

I put away all my stuff in my room. I admit, I had a lot of clothes and shoes with me. But better be safe than sorry, especially if I'll be abroad for so long.

“As you probably already know, I'm going on my maternity leave in a week, because I'm expecting my second baby. In the mean time, you'll be my substitute. I hope you'll have fun.”

“I'm sure I will.”

“Come, let's go meet the boys.”

“Okay.” was all I could say at this moment.

“Are you alright?” Lou asked.

“Yes, just a little bit nervous.”

My heart was pounding. I could feel it racing up and down in my chest.

“Hi boys, this is your new stylist Katie, she'll be substituting me while I'm gone.”

“Katie? Hi Katie.” I heard coming from Harry's mouth.

“Hey.” the other boys greeted me as well.

O no Katie, focus, I said to myself, and greet them back. Say 'hi' or something.

“Hi... Hi boys!”

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