07. "He..."

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Harry's POV

It was nice being out and having fun with the crew, knowing we have the evening off. Katie and I decided to do a little bit of shopping and then go out for an evening run. I was really tired, but we couldn't go in the morning. Which means we have to make up for it.

After we ran for a few miles and decided to stop at a park and sit on one of the benches. It was really pleasant out tonight, I could feel a light breeze and the air was completely wonderful. We chatted for a long time and day slowly turned into night.

“Should we head back to the hotel?” she asked me.

“Yeah, we probably should.”

We stood up. At this point I couldn't control my emotions any longer.



She looked me in the eye. We just stared at each other for a while and then I tried to kiss her. She moved away.

“Umm... Harry, I'm so sorry. I need to tell you something.”

“I completely understand. My bad. I'm sorry. I know it was too fast.” I'm so stupid, why couldn't I wait a bit longer I thought to myself.

“I miss him.”

“Oh, sorry Katie, I didn't know you have a boyfriend.”

“Actually, I don't.”

I didn't know what she meant by that.

“Harry, wait. Where are you going? Harry!”

We spent so much time together. We've had so many adventures in the past month. We entrusted each other with so many things. And then... And then she tells me that her heart belongs to another. Why is she only telling me this now?

“Harry, please, stop. I'll explain everything. Wait.”

She grabbed my shoulder and stopped me in my tracks.

“Harry, how old are you? You're running away from me like a child. I will tell you everything, but only if you're prepared to listen.”

I decided to hear her out. I really don't want to lose a person that I care about this much.

“Do you remember the teddy bear that you saw on my bed?”


“He have me that teddy.”

“But you said it's from an old friend.”

“That's all true, Harry. Listen, let's sit on the grass.”

We sat down on the ground.

“Can I start?”

I nodded.

“Years ago, I had a very good friend, we were always together, we were practically joined at the hip. Then the day came. The most awful day of my life. My parents got divorced and my mom and I moved...”

I could see how hard this was for her. How difficult it was for her to speak about this, how carefully she picked out words she used.

“... that's when I lost my best friend. We lost all contact. In fact, I didn't know all this time how to get in contact with him.”

“Why don't you pay him a visit or add him as a friend on Facebook?”

“Harry, this is the problem. I know he didn't forget me, but things are not like they used to be years ago.”

“What do you mean by that? What is not like it used to be? Is this from your side or his?”

“I don't know. But I think it's not the same anymore. Mostly on his side.”

“You're guessing, so you don't know the truth.”


“Actually? Did you find him?”

“I did.”

“Then why don't you simply tell him how you feel?”

“I can't.”

“Why not?”

“Because that will change everything.”

“Don't you want it to change? If you still care about him you must tell him.”

“But then I'll lose you too. I don't wanna lose you. I love you as a friend.”

“Why would you lose me? Of course you won't. Remember, I will always be there for you.”


“Something is still bothering you. Tell me. I will help you. I love you and I want what's best for you.”

She looked away. I could tell she was working up the courage to tell me. We were sat in silence for a while but then she finally spoke.


“What about him?”



“He's my old friend that gave me the teddy bear.”

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Liam? I was lost for words.

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