20. "I hate you!"

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Liam's POV

I haven't seen the boys ever since we finished our USA leg of the tour. We all like to spend time at home with our families. I decided to invite them and some of my friends to a barbecue at my house.

Katie came over in the morning, like we agreed, and she helped me prepare everything necessary. We decorated the porch, blew up some balloons and everything else that goes with decorating.

Even my parents were excited to see her after all these years. They kept asking her what she does, where she lives, where she goes to school, where she works. It was probably getting on her nerves. But we were always on good terms and they loved her.

I didn't want to tell her that Harry is also coming over today. Whenever we talked over the phone or Skype she was telling me how she can't get over him, even though he hurt her so much.

A few days ago I decided to seriously ask Harry about all this stuff and what he's planning on doing. He said that he's trying to get over her, but he hasn't succeeded yet. He knows that he hurt her and he didn't know how to fix the situation. He told me what they said to him. They banned him from seeing her. He thought he could easily forget her, but he couldn't. So maybe it wasn't his fault after all.

“Liam, why didn't you tell me Harry's coming?” She approached me and quietly whispered in my ear.   

“Then you certainly wouldn't be here.”

“How did you know?” She laughed.

“Tell me something I don't know about you.”

“Oh, Liam.” She added and hugged me.

Katie's POV

We went out on the porch and joined the other guests. I met some more of his friends. We were having a wonderful time. We talked, listened to music and played some games. There was an empty seat beside me and Harry sat down on it.

“Hey Katie. We haven't talked in a while. How are you?”

“I'm okay. You?”

“Same. Can we speak somewhere in private?”

“Harry, everyone will see. Won't it look suspicious?”

“Whoever sees... we all know each other. There are no paparazzi here.”

“I don't know.”

“Please, Katie.”

He stood up and offered me his hand. I looked him in the eye and stood up.

“Shall we go for a walk?”

“Okay, but not too far.”

We were walking on a gravel path along some fields. It was late in the afternoon and the sun was starting to set.

“Katie, I'm so sorry for everything. Did you think about it by any chance? Can you give me another chance?” He asked me.

“I'm sorry, Harry, I can't. I'm not allowed to be around you.”

“Who said that?”


“They said that to me too, after that night, that's why I didn't say hello to you at breakfast, because he was sitting two tables over. I didn't want to get you in trouble. I didn't get a chance to explain later, because you were avoiding me.”

“Did they really say that to you too?”

“Really. I'm not lying to you Katie. We can be together, we just need to hide from them and the media.” He said.

“It's impossible. There's always someone somewhere, Harry. There are too many people that could spot us.”

“We can do anything we can set our minds to.”

“I know, but this is just too much.” I said.

“Don't try to find excuses, Katie, you can tell it to me straight that you don't want me anymore.”

“Harry, that's not true at all. I want you even though you hurt and humiliated me.”

“I would like to make it up to you, if you'd give me the chance.”

“And how will you do that?” I smiled.

“I'll do anything you want.”

“I don't want anything, Harry.”

“I understand.” He added, looking sad.

“Well... except you.”


“You, Harry.”

He hugged me and squeezed me so tightly I could barely breathe.

“You're choking me.” I said with a huge smile on my face.

“I'm sorry, but I missed you so much.” He picked me up and ran with me across the field.

“Let me down, I'm to heavy!”

“No, you're not.” He laughed and kept on running until he tripped and fell down with me still in his arms. We just laid there, looked at each other and started laughing.

“I hate you!”


“You got my pants dirty.” I added.

He leaned down to me. He stroked my cheek with his hand. “I'm sorry.”

I wasn't capable of saying anything at this moment. His lips inched towards mine.

We kissed.

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