12. "Would you like to go with me?"

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Harry's POV

We just drove off from our current city. We were headed to Los Angeles, where we'll sing the last four concerts. After that we get a couple of days of well deserved rest in our home country.

Katie immediately went to her bed. The rest of the crew was in the living room area. I knew she was alone. I had to apologize for earlier. My behavior was really terrible. But I couldn't control my emotions. I quietly opened the door to the bedroom.

“Katie, are you asleep?”


“I know it's late, but I'd like to apologize to you. I'm really sorry, but I couldn't contain myself any longer. I didn't really mean what I said.

This was the worst night of my entire life. I felt completely down. I know her heart is pulling her towards Liam. I know Liam would do anything to get her. Actually, I want them both to be happy. Obviously together. Just thinking of it really hurt. I grew so fond of her, I don't want to lose her, although I know I will. I will have to get over her.

Liam's POV

Hurting Harry and watching her suffer was all too much for me. I didn't sleep all night. I kept thinking and thinking. I didn't know what to do. So many questions were running through my head. I had the feeling like my brain was going to explode. I can't stand this much longer. I just can't.

Kate's POV

I don't know what to do. I love them both very much. I don't want to lose either of them. They both mean a lot to me. Why, why, why, I asked myself. I hate love. Why is it so cruel? I don't want to hurt Harry. I don't want to lose him. I love him. It's all my fault. I shouldn't of let this to happen between Harry and me. I simply shouldn't. How could I be so stupid. I hate myself. On the other hand I don't want to lose Liam, he was always my best friend.

The worst thing about being on the tour bus is, that you don't have anywhere to go, to think about everything by yourself. Actually, all I've done the past few hours was think and think some more.

I got up, the boys were still lying in their beds. I went to the living room area. I drank my morning coffee and watched some TV with the crew. Soon, the rest of the sleepy heads decided to join us. I first saw Harry and Liam. They both looked like they were up all night.

Shortly after, we arrived to our destination. To the hotel next to the beach, filled with pools and palm trees. I can't wait to jump into the water an cool down a little. It was really unbelievably hot.

First I went to the hotel, to unpack my necessities. As I stepped into the elevator Liam ran up to me and slipped through the door. They closed and we were left alone.

“Katie, are you going to the pool later?”

“Yeah, I can't wait to cool down a little.”

“Would you like to go with me?” Liam asked.

“Sure, I'll knock on your door when I unpack.”

“Great, I'll be counting on that.”

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