16. "Thank you Katie, you're free to go now."

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Katie's POV

I spent the entire afternoon by the pool with the boys. We were having fun and enjoying each other's company. But the pain inside of me only grew stronger.

Harry wasn't around all day. I was wondering where he was. I felt better if he was as far away from me as possible. I'm sorry for each second that I spent with him. I was blaming myself for it. It was me who was stupid. How could I let it get to this? Liam was by my side the whole time, comforting me. It's hard to find such a great person as Liam. I'm happy that I have him by my side. He's always there if I need help.

It was time to get ready for the concert. I got the rest of the boys ready, but Harry was still nowhere to be seen.

“Where's Harry? You start the show soon.” I asked the boys.

“He was in his bed when I went to his room earlier.” Zayn said.

“Can someone go get him, please? I don't want to get him ready at the last minute.”

This is typical Harry. I bet he's doing this on purpose, to hurt me even more. As if he hasn't hurt me enough.

My phone rang.


“Harry's not in his room.” Zayn said.

“What do you mean he's not in his room?”

“He's not.”

“Check the bathroom.”

“I looked everywhere, he's not here.”

I hung up. “Harry's not in his room.”

“What do you mean he's not? All right, I'll call him.” Louis added. “He isn't answering.”

“How is this possible? You're supposed to start the concert in an hour. I certainly won't be getting him ready at the last minute, hurrying like crazy.”

“What's wrong with him?” Louis started getting angry.

“What if something happened to him?” Niall said.

“Nothing happened to him, he's doing this on purpose.” I said, angrily.

We quickly notified the whole team. Everyone was immediately looking for him.

After a half an hour of searching there was till no sign of him.

“This never happened before. Katie, could you come here for a second?” the people in charge called me.

“Yes, I'm coming.”

“You were spending a lot of time with him recently. You must know what's happening with him.”


I was not in the mood to talk about my personal problems with anyone that asks something about Harry.

“Well, but you must know what is this all about. You were together all the time.”

“That's true, but I don't know anything.”

“Katie, this is serous stuff. Do you know who you're speaking with?”

“Of course I do. But I really have no idea where he is.”

“No, I think you do know where he is. I just wanna know what's happening with him. Something like this has never happened before.”

“I don't think this is my fault at all, but if you think so, feel free to fire me. I won't stand being around here much longer anyway.”

“And what is so hard about your job that you won't be able to handle?”

“Everything. I didn't know that he's such a jerk.” I accidentally said.

“Who? Harry?”

I had no other choice but to continue what I started to say.

“Yes, him.”

“So you do know something.”

“I know a lot of things, but I won't tell you, you have to figure this out yourself. It's not my job to search for the missing band member. I'm just a stylist and I do my job like I was told to. I'm not responsible for anything out of my schedule or job description.”

I was really mad. At this point I didn't care if I stayed or if I got fired immediately. I know I do my job well. But I won't be the one to make sure that they're at the right place at the right time. They're old enough to know how long they need to get ready.

“Katie, you're endangering our success and profit.”

“Oh, I'm the one endangering it? Was I the one that ran away? I got Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall ready as per usual and completely in time.”

“I know, but do you think we don't know what's happening between you and Harry and Liam?”

“Oh well, tell me what's happening? What?” I added getting even more angry.

“You're conspiring with the both of them. You're with one one day and with the other the next day. You're jeopardizing the success that we worked very hard on all this time.”

“First make sure your accusations are true, and then tell me off.”

I couldn't believe it. Where did they hear that? There was never anything more than friendship between me and Liam. Harry is a different story. But if I'm with one of them that doesn't mean that I'm with the other one too.

“We're completely sure about what you're doing.”

“Oh, really? Then I have to tell you that there is nothing between Liam and me.”

“Katie, stay away from both of them. As far as the fans are concerned, they're single. We'll have a big problem if anyone of them will be your boyfriend. You know we wouldn't like to have drama all over again. Especially stay away from Harry. He must be the single one in the group and get more girls, I mean fangirls.”

“Okay, I understand. I will stay away from him.” It wasn't in my intentions to hang out with him anymore anyway, I thought.

“And stay away from Liam too.”

“Liam? Why him?”

“You heard what I said. It doesn't matter why. Just keep your distance.”

“Okay.” I said.

“Thank you Katie, you're free to go now.”

I walked out. All they care about is money. Who do they think they, telling me who I'm supposed to be with and who I'm not. They don't care about other people's feelings. They care about money, money, money and only money.

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