22. "I'll sign the contract."

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Katie's POV

“Harry, wait here.” I said to him.

“I'll be here, sitting on the bench.”

I walked through the door.

“Good afternoon.” I greeted them.

“Hello, Katie.”

“I've decided.” I said with a smile on my face.

“Well, speak up.”

“Firstly, I have a question. So, how much would you pay me exactly?”

“Look, here's your contract, all the details are in there. We are talking about large sums of money. So, take your time and read through it.”

I sat down on the chair and started reading.

In about ten minutes I put the contract down on the desk. It contained a lot of information, but I managed to remember every little detail.

“So, have you reached a decision?” The man asked me.

“Yes, I've decided.”

“I will sign the contract.”

“You're making the right decision here. Look, sign here. The contract is valid from the moment you sign it. So, from this point on you must never establish contact with Harry or in any other way communicate with him.” The man said.

“This means that I won't be going with them on their tour in Australia?”

“Absolutely not. You're fired from that job. In fact, the amount of money you'll be making now can't even compare to what you were making when you were a stylist on tour.”

“I understand. Can I have a pen, please?” I added.

He handed me a pen.

Harry's POV

I heard everything. What was I even expecting? I should of known she's sign the contract. It's over. It's really over. I've lost her.

I hate them so much. Not her, but the management. This is not her fault. She just found another source of income after they fired her.

I can't believe it. I can't believe how much they intervene with our personal lives. I can't do this anymore. I went out from the building and straight to my car, everything was over anyway. There wasn't any hope left to change anything.

Life is so cruel. At this point I'm ready to leave the band just to be with her.

She means everything in the world to me. I love her!

Katie's POV

“Look, you have to sign here.” He said, pointing to the empty line on the contract.

I looked at the man's face. It was plastered with a huge smile, extending all the way to his ears.

“Here, sign on the line, please.” He repeated.

“Did you seriously think I'd sign it? Do you think money means more to me than him?”

I put down the pen, grabbed the contract, ripped it into tiny pieces and threw it in the bin.

“There, done.” I said.

“Look, Katie. This is just some teenage fling, it'll be over in a month.”

“Teenage fling? Oh, please, I'm 20 years old. I know what I want.”

“I understand you know what you want and you're a wonderful person, but the truth is... You know... Harry is... well, Harry. As soon as he meets a girl he leads her on and then...”

“How could you say such a thing? Do you even know him?” I said with a raised tone.

“He's so cute, he can get any girl he wants. So, please, sign the contract. You'll break up in a couple of months anyway. Harry's not long-term relationship material.”

“How would you know that? You don't even know him.”

“I know him all too well, Katie.”

“Do you even know what love is?”

“Of course I know, I'm married.” He replied.

“Do you love your wife?”

He was left speechless.

“Goodbye and have a nice day.” I added and left.

“Katie! Come back immediately and sign the contract, we will even give you a raise.” I heard his voice from the office, as I was closing the door.

I turned to the bench where Harry was supposed to be sitting. He wasn't there. Where did he go?

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