I'm Screaming I love You So (Tayley)

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Hayley's POV: 

"It has been conformed, the Farro brothers are no longer members of the band Paramore...." I was watching music videos in my room when breaking news came on screen informing me of what I already knew. I couldn''t bare to listen to another word the reporter had to say so I turned the tv off immediatly turning over in my bed to reach for my phone. I picked it up and the time informed me that it was almost 3 am. I sighed, locking it once again. I continued to toss and turn until my eye lids became so heavy that i had no choice but to let myself sleep.

I awoke to the sound of my ringtone, I let it go to voicemail. I'm not much in a talking mood. I got out of bed dragging my feet and entered the bathroom that is connected to my room. I looked at myself in the mirror. I touched my hair, nappy, my eyelids had bags under them from not getting enough sleep, and there was a a dry stream of tears that let me know that once again I was crying in my sleep. Dammit. I thought to myself, why must this happen to us? And by us I mean Taylor, Jeremy and I. They had no right to break this band up, and they weren't going to. Even if it is just me and Jeremy. Ever since the Farros informed us that they were leaving, I couldn't help but feel that Taylor was going to leave along with them. I really hope he doesn't.

I was in my kitchen serving myself some cereal when my phone once again ringed, I was too lazy to retrieve it so once again I let it go to voicemail. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I sighed climbing down the bar stool and opening the door. "Hey there, come in." I stood out of the way as a sad looking Taylor stepped into my house.

Taylor's POV: 

I sat on the couch waiting for Hayley to bring out the coffee she had offered. I sat there nervously fiddling my thumbs, I didn't know what I was doing here, all I knew was that I needed a friend, and Zac was no longer an option, not after the blog. I sighed as the thoughts of the blog came to mind. I swallowed my tears back, how can someone insult something that we ALL worked so hard on. Just then Hayley came back into the room with two coffee mugs. I smiled as she handed me one and kept one for herself.

"What brings you here York?" She asked as i took a sip of my coffee. "Hayles," I sighed, "I know that this is a hard time for you, but it is also a hard time for me. We haven't been close lately and I'm sorry about that...." i countined my apology and once i finished, she accepted it. I smiled at her as I felt like figuring out where we stood made me feel as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. "What are you doing later?" I asked as I could clearly see that her sparkle in her eyes was no longer as bright as before. "same ole, just hang around the house mopping." she said as saddness covered her face. She forced a smile and I forced the same thing. "Lets go out. How about a show and dinner?" I suggested. At first she was resitant to the idea but soon she agreed. "pick you up around 8ish?" I noodded. I stood up making my way to the front door. "Try not to be late this time." I said while wrapping my arms around her tiny figure. She giggled as she wrapped her arms around my mid section. I left her house and stepped into my car  feeling much better.

Hayley's POV:

This is it, was i really about to tell Taylor my fears? We were in a cafe in dowtown Nashville as we had originally planned. The show was awesome, it is always a good thing to visit some old places and just listen to some great music. We were sitting on a booth next to the window as we waited for our desserts to arrive. I could feel my stomach full but hey there is always room for ice cream. "You ok?" There it was the question i feared he would ask. I could easily lie and say yes, but it was Taylor, we had been friends since forever, and he could read me like an open book. "Honestly," I sighed, as he urged me to continue, "I'm  not sure." He gave me a puzzling look as he asked me to explain myself, I didn't even know where to begin, but I gave it a shot. "See, these past few months I haven't been able to shake the feeling that you are going to quit the band leaving just me and Jeremy, which I'm ok with if that will make you happy..." i continued to talk about my fear of him leaving us as I looked at my hands, I felt my eyes become watery, and just then, Taylor came over to sit on my side. "Hey," he whispered puting an arm around my shoulder, I placed my head on his shoulder. We sat like that for a few mintues. "You know," he began making him look up at him only to find his eyes already clued to me. "I'm not going anywhere, I still have more to do with Paramore." and with those words, I could not help but smile. Finally, my world felt at piece even if it was only for that moment.

We left the restaurant and after a drive to Taylor's house and then mine, I found myself in my drive way listening to "Turn it off." One of our songs from Brand New Eyes. At this time, I could almost feel every lyric hit me. These lyrics could not be any more relevant and once the second line came into play, I allowed myself to cry. i pressed the repeat button on my music playlist and allowed the song to play a few more times as i let it all out of my system. 

Finally I turned the music off, whipped my tears away and said to myself,  "we are going to be alright." 

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