Things Are Looking Up

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Chapter 3:


Hayley’s POV:

“That was so RAD!!!” I came off the stage screaming and jumping around like a child. We had just finished our first show on the South American circuit. I ran all over back stage high fiving every one and I do mean EVERYONE. I ran into my dressing room and did my vocal warm downs but I still felt all the excitement.

Once I finished I ran out of my dressing room and into the bus where the guys where already eating dinner. “I’m so hungry.” I said as I took a seat on the couch. Jeremy smiled at me and handed me a bowl of hot soup.

“Mmmm..” I hummed as I felt the warm sensation quickly take over my body.

“Stop having sex with your food, Nicole.” Jeremy said with a smirk on his face.

For some reason my first instinct was to look at Taylor. My eyes quickly met his with such intensity, I looked away and felt my face grow warm and continued to eat my soup as I noticed how he was blushing so hard.

“I owe you one, Clayton.” I said not bothering to take my eyes off my soup.

Once I finished eating, I placed the bowl into the sink. I walked over to my bag which was placed on my bunk and took out a pair of sweat pants and my makeup remover. I reached into my “everyday” bag one more trying to find a shirt but somehow every item of clothing I found were sweatpants.

Great, just GREAT! I must have forgotten to pack a T shirt to sleep in while preparing my “everyday” bag tonight. You see, we pack big luggage for tour but that doesn’t fit inside so we have to keep them in the under storage of the bus. Every day we unload at a venue or an off day, we get the chance to retrieve our luggage and unpack some clean clothes to sleep in and or show clothing. I was about walk off the bus but I quickly noticed that we were on the move again.

I looked over at Jeremey’s bunk which was directly across from mine and Taylor’s but heard him snoring the night away. I sighed.

“Hey Ta..Taylor.” I choked out. For some reason I felt awkward asking him for a shirt.

“Yea?” He called out from the small living area of the bus.

I walked out of the bunk area and found him lying on the couch watching something on the T.V. I smiled at the sight of him. I felt butterflies flood my stomach followed by instant regret. I couldn’t do this to myself again. He was in a relationship and I was just getting out of one. I couldn’t, I just couldn’t. You’re just feeling vulnerable. I taught to myself. Yea, I’m sure that’s it. I have to convince myself of this, I had no other choice.

“What’s up Hayles.”

“What?” I said. Not realizing that this entire time that I was drowning in my thoughts, I was staring at him. That’s not awkward at all. I snapped myself out of it, again, and found him sitting up on the couch staring at me with a confused look on his face. I smiled at him which he returned.

“You called my name. You feeling ok?” Taylor said while walking up to me pressing the back of his hand on my forehead. I looked up at him as he did this. We were so close to each other. I felt my face burn red as I nodded.

“Just tired.” I said trying to shake him off. “Hey, can I borrow a shirt to sleep in, kind of forgot to pack one today.” I let out a small giggle.

He giggled wrapping an arm around my shoulders and guided me towards the bunks. He unwrapped his arm and went into his bag pulling out a plain black T shirt for me to wear. I smiled at him quickly thanking him as I retrieved my things from my bunk and made my way to the bathroom.

Once I had finished changing I realized how big and cozy the shirt fit on me. I made my way up into my bunk and noticed a dim light from Taylor’s bunk. He’s on his phone. I guessed. I wrapped myself into the blankets. Funny thing is, I felt so relaxed in his shirt. Sort of calm. Something I haven't felt since the band first began having  problems. The shirt smelled like him which brought me comfort.

“Goodnight Hayley.”

“Goodnight Taylor.” I said falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning I awoke and found that we were no longer moving. I looked at my phone and my eyes widen at the time. I was nearly one pm. I hadn’t slept in what felt like forever. I jumped off my bunk and made my way into the bathroom. I noticed my face looked fresher, my bags were almost gone, no dry tear stains, and I actually didn’t have any nightmares. I sighed in relief. I felt happy this morning for some reason, then I realized, maybe it was the shirt that had the effect on me. I smiled at the taught deciding that I would keep the shirt and sleep in it for the rest of the tour.

Taylor’s POV:


“Hey sleepy head.” I heard Jeremy call out.

I looked up and saw how Hayley was now making her way over to us. I smiled at her and said my hellos.

“What are we doing today?” Hayley asked taking a seat next to me at the small table pointing at my cereal. I shook my head as I took a spoonful of cereal and fed her like a baby. The memories of the Riot days came flooding back. We used to share food all the time and we used to feed each other too. That really used to bother Josh and they used to fight about it all the time. I sighed shaking away the bad memories and trying to keep a positive mindset as I continued to feed her and myself.

“So…?” Jeremy asked as swallowed the last spoonful.

“I don’t know, whatever is cool with me.” I shrugged not really having any idea. “What do you want to do Hayles.”

“Umm..” She began playfully tapping her chin with her finger pretending to be in deep taught. “I know!” she said suddenly causing me to jump and almost spill my coffee.

“Calm down T,” Hayley said giggling as I gave her a fake death glare quickly followed by a smile.

“So what’s your plan?” Jeremy said breaking my staring contest with Hayley.

“HA! I won!!” She exclaimed happily standing up and doing a little dance. I got up from the table and lightly pushed her onto the couch, “I let you.” I said laughing as I began tickling her sides. She squirmed at my fingertips which only made me tickle her more. We were both laughing hard.

“Can you two stop flirting for like a second?” Jeremy said followed by a laugh.

I quickly released Hayley and looked at her face and saw a new shade of red and felt my face grow warmer too.

“We do not flirt.” Hayley said suddenly standing up and playing punching Jeremy in the chest. He began laughing and so did I, and eventually Hayley joined in. We don’t flirt, or at least I don’t THINK we do. 

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