Let the pain remind you hearts can heal

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Chapter 20

Hayley's POV:

After spending an unknown amount of time sitting on the floor of my bed room, with me on Taylor's lap, I let out a yawn.

"Tired?" Taylor asked as I gave a slight nod lifting myself off his lap and onto my own feet. I extended my hand to help him up and he took it. Once he straighten up, he smiled down at me and hugged me one last time. I smiled wrapping my arms around him.

"I should probably get home now." He said pulling away from our hug looking down into my eyes.

"NO!" I half shouted. "Stay, please." I pleaded

He smiled at me and nodded.

I went over to a drawer and pulled out a tee shirt.

When I turned around I found him in nothing but boxers and the tee shirt he had when he came over.

I smiled to myself changing into the black tee shirt I sleep in every night and some random gym shorts. Not bothering to leave the room while I did so, I noticed Taylor staring at me and I smirked back at him.

I crawled under the sheets with him and turned the lamp off.

"You're such a tease." Taylor said as I snuggled up closer to him.

I laughed as I wrapped my arm around him.

"Hey is that the shirt I leant you a while back on tour?" He said suddenly.

"Nooo...." I laughed as he slightly shook his head and smiled at me.

Soon, I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep but not for long.

I woke up expecting the sun to be bright and peeking into my bedroom by the slightly opened curtain.

But that wasn't the case, the sky was still dark and it seemed like the whole world was quiet.

I looked over to the clock that was on my nightstand and noticed it was only 4am. I sighed, I haven't been able to get a full 8 hour sleep in what now seems like forever.

I looked over and found myself being held up against Taylor as he had an arm wrapped around my waist that loosely draped over me. I smiled to myself.

I examined his face a bit and began to think about all the things that make him special. I began to think about how much I love him and how happy he makes me. It breaks my heart to see him so down on himself and I blame myself for the pain that was caused.

He told me that in order for him to be strong, he had to make me feel strong, but the thing was, we had to be strong for each other. I knew that it was my turn to make him happy.

A ringlet from his slowly growing hair fell onto his forehead which made me scrunch up my nose and smile. I slowly pulled my hand over and removed the curl from his forehead. My touch must have startled him because he immediately opened his eyes.

"Sorry." I whispered.

He smiled at me and closed his eyes again. I silently wished he would go back to sleep. I enjoyed watching him sleep, he looked so peaceful. It was like when you're watching a baby sleep and you wonder what they're dreaming about, you wonder if you're in those dreams, and then you begin to think about how you can love another human being more than you love yourself. Seeing him sleep so peacefully made me feel so warm inside and I couldn't help but smile.

This man lying next to me has been by my side through hell and back, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Taylor's POV:

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