Sleepless People

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Chapter 4:

Hayley’s POV:

*one month later*

I was sitting at home looking over a fashion magazine and sorting through all the mail that I had received while I was gone. We had just flown back from tour last night and I was dead. I felt like a zombie. It was nearly 8 pm and I was just feeling back to normal. I think I was still on the touring schedule.

I wasn’t even sure what I was doing. Suddenly my stomach growled and I remembered that I hadn’t eaten in like 24 hours. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge only to find nothing inside. I sighed, I could order a pizza but that would take forever to get here. I decided to go out into my lovely town of Franklin and eat at a local café.

I quickly ran up the stairs and into my bedroom throwing on a random shirt, skinny jeans, a varsity jacket, scarf and a beanie. I applied a little make up and made my way out the door putting my wallet and cell phone in my pocket.

After about a five minute drive later, I found myself ordering a club sandwich and hot coco. I was looking out the window just thinking about the tour, the days on the beach, the warmth and all those late night deep conversations with Taylor which consisted mostly of me talking, him listening, and on some very good nights, writing music together.

“Here you go Ma’am.” The server said flashing me a smile as I thanked her and dug into my food. I was chewing away when Taylor came into mind. I swallowed hard. I wasn’t even sure if what I felt for him was real or was it the idea of him? The comfort he brought me. I sighed. Suddenly I wasn’t hungry anymore. I pushed the plate away and felt my stomach become a knot. I was so frustrated with myself. I cannot look at him in any other way than a friend, he was MY BEST FRIEND and nothing more. I can’t ruin what we have over my selfishness. And just like magic, my phone rang, and surprise surprise, it was Taylor.

“Hello?” I answered trying to sound as normal as possible, I didn’t want him to think anything was the matter with me because if he does think that, then he will ask questions and eventually he will figure it out. “Hey H, wanna swing by my house? I’m starting to think you’re right, this house is too big for me.” I let out a giggle and agreed to go over.

About fifteen minutes later I was knocking on his front door. I notice the sky darken and it looked like it was going to rain. The wind blew and a cold shiver ran through my whole body giving me the chills. The door swung open and I felt the warmth of Taylor’s house filled with a familiar scent of him take over my body and suddenly I felt relaxed and at peace. I found myself quickly welcomed by a hug which surprised me at first. Upon realizing what was happening, I wrapped my arms around his middle section and breathed him in. I was lost in his scent, his embrace, in his presence, in the over whelming feeling of trust, and him. The door closing behind me awoken me from my daydream as I quickly released him from that long hug.

“Well hello to you too,” he said with a chuckle. “That was quite a hug.”

“I just really needed a hug from you, that’s all.” I said without thinking. I looked away hoping not to catch his eyes. I smiled at the floor while taking off my jacket and tossing it over the coat rack.

He smiled down at me and welcomed me into the kitchen where he was preparing coffee. I agreed to some and some cookies because why not?

“So why’d you need that hug from little ole me?” He said with the most humble smile.

“Well…” I began, “I felt alone T, my house feels so empty. Not having Chad around when I got back from tour hit me hard. I know it’s been like almost two months since we called it quits, but a part of me isn’t over him. And the part of me that is, is just a mixture of emotions that I have yet to figure out.”

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