She lives in a Fairytale

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Chapter 11:

Taylor's POV:

The days came and went and I hadn't had any contact with Hayley whatsoever. I felt that giving each other space after the tour we just had was the best thing for our friendship. The only thing was that this entire time I spent with her I've felt more connection than I have ever felt with another human being. I guess we were just better off as friends in the end.

"Dude, you alright?" Jeremy asked.

"Yea," I sighed. "I'm fine."

"Well anyways the tux looks good on you." He said with a smile. We were currently trying on tuxedos for his wedding that was happening in a matter of just weeks.

"You nervous?" I asked trying to get my mind off of Hayley for once.

"Only a little bit but I just love Kat so much. I just can't wait to be actually married." He said with a smile.

I smiled at him but my happiness wasn't completely honest. Don't get me wrong, I'm so stocked for Jerm but not talking to her was slowly killing me. It's torture.

I walked into the dressing room changing into my regular clothes. I walked out handing the tux to the sales associate and made my way to pay. I felt a pat on my back and I turned to see Jerm giving a sympathetic smile. I was slightly confused but also a bit interested.

"Let's go get some drinks and talk about it."

I nodded following him to the bar that was just up the street from the shop.

"So.." He stated trying to get me to say what was the matter with me lately. He sighed.

"Look, I've known you for a while. I know that you only have eyes for her and she does too. But you don't seem to see it that way." He said taking a sip of his beer.

"How?" I wondered how he knew all of this. Then it dawn to me that Hayley must have said something.

"I noticed things Tay. You haven't noticed but for a while now she's been looking at you like you were the only man that can bring her happiness. Every time you're in the room you can practically hear her heart pounding so hard and so fast out of her chest. The way her eyes flutter open, the way she sits nervously awaiting for you to say something to her. You make her nervous T, in a good way. Something I guess neither of you have noticed before."

I smiled widely I never knew I had such an affect on her. She made me nervous too but I guess I'm just way better at hiding it than I thought.

"But I don't even know what to say or do to make her happy. I want to give her the world but the feeling she gives me scares me. To be honest." I said taking another sip of my beer.

"I know it's always best to stay out of others' business but this whole story interests me because you both are my best friends. But you have to for the sake of your very own happiness at least open up to her."

"It's just that she is... Just so.. Amazing. She's like a princess in her very own infinite fairy tale, and I just don't see myself as her equal. She is way above me." I looked down at my hands which were beginning to sweat from the amount of anxiety this conversation was giving me.

Jeremy sighed, "it might be the wedding or the beer talking, but you need to run to her. If you love her the way I think you do, go."

I nodded getting up from the booth. I was taking out some money to pay for the beers but Jerm stopped me.

"I got you, just go." He said smiling at me.

"Thanks." I practically ran to my car ignoring the fact that my tux was in Jeremy's car. I figured I can get it later. I drove faster than the speed limit for sure, mostly out of nerves. But I couldn't wait to tell her how she made me feel. But I wasn't sure how to state it. I'll just wing it.

I parked on the curve in front of her house and ran to the door. I tried knocking softly but I pounded it. I paced around her porch trying to calm myself a bit before she answered.

"Taylor?" She said opening the door. I looked up at her and I felt my face light up like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Come in." She moved out of the way.

I made my way to the couch quickly followed by Hayley. She was watching some tv show but it was on pause.

"Sorry, I'll turn that off." She clicked the tv off and tossed the remote to the other side of the couch.

"Can I get you anything, water coffee?" She asked walking towards the kitchen. She seemed tense and nervous. Or maybe it was just me reflecting my own emotions on her.

I sighed getting off the couch and walking into the kitchen.

"Water will do."

She tossed me a water bottle taking a seat on the counter. I followed her example and sat on the island directly across from her. She smiled at me and flashed one back.

"How've you been?" She asked.

"I'm good but that's not why I'm here."

Her facial expression told me that she was slightly confused.

I took a deep breath.

"Ever since the last night on tour I haven't been able to sleep, and I question myself why? Why do I toss and turn in my bed out of nowhere? Then it hit me that I'm following the ghost you have left in my sheets? Why do you always cross my mind taking complete ownership of it tangling me up with your desires?"

"Tell me Hayles.." I hopped of the counter setting the water bottle down. I walked over to Hayley standing directly in front of her holding both hands in my own as her posture became tense. "Is it normal for my knees to weaken every time I imagine your hands caressing me? Tell me darling how can I contain this agony?"

"You have my insanity slowly wrapping around your waist. It's insane the way your lips feel and the way they ask me for the moon." I released one of my hands and traced her lips with my thumb. Leaving my hand to rest on her face. My other one slowly wrapping her around to her lower back.

"It's complete psychotic the way I respond to you without even knowing the question." I pulled her a bit towards me.

"It's insane, it's you, you are my insanity." I said as she locked eyes with mine. A smiling forming on her face as well as mine. She pulled me to kiss her and I did.

We pulled away and I placed my forehead on hers.

I pulled her off the counter placing her feet on the floor. I wrapped my arms completely around her placing my face on her neck.


Suddenly I felt her weaken up in my hold. I released her a bit and noticed her hands dangling on her sides. I saw her face and it looked almost lifeless. Panicking I picked her up laying her down on the couch shaking her to wake her up. But she wouldn't. Her pulse was weak and I pulled out my phone.

"911, what's your emergency?"

I'm Screaming I love You So (Tayley)Where stories live. Discover now