Stay with me, this is what i need.

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Chapter 10:

Hayley's POV:

Today was the last day of the tour. And like you might guess, yes Taylor and I slept together every night, sometimes two times a night.

It would always be either me making up an excuse going to the bus while everyone else was out and him tagging along just so I "won't feel lonely." Or us sneaking into each other's bunks in the middle of the night while everyone slept.

I reached my phone and noticed how it was almost time to perform. I got off the couch and walked over to my make up bag grabbing only the basics walking towards the back room where the big mirror was.

"Boo!" I jumped about a foot in the air as Taylor wrapped his arms around me placing a kiss on my neck. I smiled through the mirror and got one in return.

"Where's Jerm?" I asked suddenly remembering that we were not alone and that this wasn't the middle of the night.

He shrugged. "Don't worry I locked the door." He said with a smile softly swaying me in his arms.

I smiled at him turning around to kiss him on the lips. My hands wrapped around his neck as he pressed me against the mirror. We continued kissing until we heard the lock to the room suddenly move followed by a knock. We pulled away suddenly fixing ourselves to seem like nothing was going on. Taylor walked over unlocking the door as Jeremy walked in looking us both up and down.

"What's up man?" Taylor asked as I continued to do my makeup.

Jerm just smirked at us shook his head and told us it was time to go.

I kicked them both out the room and finished changing. I ran out to side stage about two minutes before we went on. I stood in the middle of the guys smiling to both of them as we prayed.

After the show, we all decided to do a little celebrating and go swimming at the hotel we were booked at for the night. I quickly ran into my room and change into a two piece black with white polka dots bathing suit, wrapped a towel around my body and ran downstairs only to find both the guys ordering a drink from the bar. I shook my head and sat down on a fold up chair and waited for them to come around.

I ended up having a virgin piña colada as the hot sun was beaming down on us making my skin burn. Jeremy was the first to take off his shirt and jump into the pool leaving just me and Taylor to talk.

He sat on the edge of my chair looking up at the sun. I couldn't help but stare. He seemed so peaceful as if nothing in the world could knock him out of the bliss the sun brought him. I smiled to myself thinking of all those times I felt his kisses on my skin and how every time he would touch me even if it was on accident he left me wanting, no, needing more.

"Hayles?" I blinked furiously trying to regain my consciousness. Taylor was calling my name handing me something I don't recognized at first. I lifted my sunglasses a bit and realized it was sunscreen.

"Would you mind?" He said pointing to his back.

"Not at all." I said smiling as he sent me a slight smirk. He lifted his tank over his head revealing his muscular back. I squeezed a bit of sunscreen on my hand and began massaging it on his back getting lost in my own thoughts and memories of the pervious nights we've shared. I realized then and there that what we shared wasn't just lust. I actually did love him and I know that as hard as I tried to convince myself otherwise, it wasn't getting anywhere.

I slept with him thinking that maybe all I had towards him was nothing but physical attraction but spending more time with him after the sex we actually talked and we were exposed not just physically but emotionally as well.

That night I went straight to bed avoiding Taylor at all costs. I knew that if I wanted to get over him I had to quit him cold turkey.

I laid in my bed as my mind wandered about how much things have changed and how would we ever get back to just being friends after we have tasted the forbidden fruit. I sighed. Getting out of bed totally frustrated at my lack of sleep. I was exhausted but I couldn't sleep as hard as I tried. I walked over to the door that connected mine and Taylor's room opening it and slipping in.

To my surprise he wasn't asleep. Instead he was sitting up watching a movie on T.V. I closed the door as he slightly jumped.

"It's only me." I said as he seemed to calm down.

"I thought you went to sleep hours ago." He said as I slid under the covers and cuddled up next to him.

"No," I started. "I couldn't get to sleep." He just smiled and wrapped his arm around me. I breathed taking in his scent.

Taylor's POV:

We stayed sitting up watching T.V for a couple more hours. I let out a small yawn as I felt Hayley sigh against my shirt. She started to get out of bed walking over to the door. I frowned not knowing what to do or say.

"Wait." I called out as she looked at me. I noticed how her eyes were puffy like she was crying. I quickly got out of bed and headed over to her. I placed my hands on her face as I leaned down to kiss her but she pulled back. I frowned.

"What's the matter?" I asked as she just shook her head.

She was reaching behind her back for the doorknob when I reached behind her and grasped both of her hands holding them in front of me.

"If you don't want tell me what's wrong then allow me to have one last request." I said leading her over to the bed.

"My last request is for you to stay with me tonight." She looked up at me for a second returning her sight to the floor.

"You have to know that this would be the last thing I ask of you because I know that whatever is going on between us has come to an end." At this point her eyes were locked on mine and I saw how her eyes were letting small tears drop as hard as she tried to hold them back making my heart drop to my stomach.

"I want you to lay with me for just a second to keep me company. We don't have to even touch each other I just want to know that you're next to me at least for one last time. But If you would let me, I would love to hold you just to feel as if even for that moment you are actually mine. "

"I don't want your compassion babe, I want you to stay with me until it's time to go." I said in a desperate tone, almost pleading her to stay with me. She let out a tearful giggle making me unsure of her answer. I was scared more than I have ever felt possible, but I know that whatever she decides it would be something I would respect.

She nodded pulling my arm over to lay with her under the covers. I smiled making my way next to her as she placed her head on my chest, intertwining our fingers as I ran my fingers though her red hair.

"You know, " she started as I looked down at her only to see the top of her head. "all I needed was reason to stay."

I smiled to myself placing a kiss on her head. I slowly felt my heart beat slow down at the thought that time was no longer in my favor, making this the last time I would actually be able to hold her and think of her as being my one and only.

(A/N: Taylor's POV is short in this chapter because next chapter will be all in his POV)**

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