Does it mean you wanna slow dance?

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Chapter 22:

Taylor’s POV:

As the ceremony ended and the “I dos” were said, we made our way to cocktail hour. This was a time in which the wedding party had a chance to eat snacks, drink, and mingle amongst other wedding guests.

I found this time to be my least favorite of the day, mainly because I was separated from Hayley.

We would try to get to each other but were always dragged into conversations with strangers and old friends alike. People would ask us about our personal lives, our relationship, and about the band. These were questions that to be honest, I don’t think we even knew the full answer to just yet.

“Ye we are headed to California in two weeks to begin the recording process.” Hayley informed one of our old friends Jake. I just stood their awkwardly with my hand interlocked with Hayley. I mean it’s not that I didn’t want to go off and wonder in the sea of people, I was just enjoying being able to talk to her and touch her.

Gosh, that week was rough. I never imagined myself missing her as much as I did. It was sort of crazy considering the fact that we haven’t been together for long. But to me, we have. If I am to be honest with myself; I’ve been in love with Hayley Williams since the first time I laid eyes on her.

I never acted upon my feelings because Josh and Zac were my best friends and I knew that Josh liked her as well. I stepped aside and watched them be happy for a brief time. But then the relationship was slowly being flushed down the toilet along with our friendships. I knew that she wasn’t happy with him anymore so we stayed up late one night and talked about it.

We were on a tour in Europe with New Found Glory. We stayed up all night and I swear I fell in love with her ten times harder that night. But being me, I advised her to break up with Josh and be happy for once; she did. Not only that, a week later, I find out she was dating Chad. I was heartbroken beyond belief. I made myself believe that she didn’t mean that much to me and I did the only thing I thought would cure my broken heart. I began dating on of my oldest friends; Gabby.

She loved me at first, and to be honest, I grew to love her as well. Hayley was simply my friend and nothing more to me at that time, but something was always off with our friendship. There was always something more and boy did Gabby notice. I can say that about 80% of our fights involved Hayley. She wouldn’t directly do anything, Gabby just always sensed that I had a thing for her and I being the Jackass that I am made Gabby feel stupid time and time again about her insecure ways.

Gosh I was such a jerk to her. No wonder she dumped me. I made her believe time and time again that she wasn’t thinking straight and that we should be together. I guess I never did fully in love with her, I was just used to her. And the idea of her made me feel comfortable and that’s exactly what I needed at the time.

However, there was a time more towards the end that it was her the one that wasn’t making an effort anymore. She wouldn’t come out on tour with me and would always have an excuses to avoid me. I guess I knew that she never fully loved me either, we were stuck in a relationship that neither one of us wanted to be in but had no idea how to get out. Come to think about it, I think that is what she was trying to tell me at the airport and I blew her off.

“You okay?” I felt Hayley nudged me bringing me back to reality. I nodded sending a smile her way.

The time had come to walk into the reception hall and take our seats. I went over to the chart and found that we were sitting on table number 2. I walked over to Hayley and handed her the name cards and we made our way over to our table.

Hayley’s POV:

“For the first time ever,” the emcee spoke, “I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Davis.” Jeremey and Kat walked in hand in hand with the biggest smile I have ever seen on their faces. We all stood and clapped some of us with tears and other just stupidly huge grins.

As we all took our seat, the servers came around and handed food to all the guest and I being starved all morning immediately dug into my plate. I grew happier with a full stomach.

When all the dinner was ready, the emcee announced their first dance. Taylor and I stood side by side blowing bubbles for good luck at the happy couple. I looked over to Taylor who pulled me towards him by my waist and kissed the side of my head whispering “I love you” in my ear softly.

Once the dance was done, the best man and maid of honor gave their speeches and we toasted to the happy couple. I’m not one to drink, but it was my best friend’s wedding and I would have myself a glass of champagne, or nine, but who’s counting?

The music began and I immediately, feeling my body numb, pulled Taylor out to the dance floor. We danced everything from funk to hip hop and so much more. Songs later, and more glasses of the bubbly, the deejay slowed down things a bit by putting a song more than familiar to us; The Only Exception.

When I was younger I saw my daddy cry and curse at the wind…

I immediately wrapped my arms around Taylor’s neck as he wrapped his around my waist. I placed my head on his chest as he placed his on top of mine and we began to sway along to the sound of my voice.

I could feel myself wanting to cry at how happy or drunk I was.

“Hayles,” he sighed.

“Yeah.” I said not bothering to take my head of his chest.

“You know I was thinking earlier...” he trailed off.


“About how many hours I spent mopping being sad and lonely, but then i saw you. You fill my whole life, you make my soul feel complete. So many obstacles in our lives haven’t stopped us from being here in this moment. Everything I do, I want you to be a part of.”

I looked up at him and smiled as he continued to talk and make eye contact.

“That’s why I want you to stay with me. I want you to love me and allow me to love you unconditionally. Always let me be there because without you, I find breathing a difficult. All I need from you is to tell me that you could see yourself with me because this love is my light, what keeps me going.”

“Taylor, I’ve looked for something like this my whole life, and now that I’ve found you, I know that there is no one else out there more perfect for me. You,” I lightly tapped his nose, “Truly are my only exception.”

The smile on his face grew bigger than I have ever seen as I tightly wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him down to me until our lips met. And there we were full out make out session in the middle of the dance floor as The Only Exception played in the background.

We parted completely out of breath.

I looked around a bit and saw that people were staring some of them with judgment in their eyes and to be honest, it made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

“You want to get out of here.” Taylor whispered into my ear running his hand down my back sending shivers down my spine and I gave a quick nod.

I grasped his hand and we made our way to our hotel suite.

**A/N: Hope you enjoyed this quick update. Just be aware that next chapter will be full on rated R!!!** 

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