Now you're just a memory to let go of

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Chapter 15:

Taylor’s POV:

“What Happened?” I said in a panic still looking at the closed door in front of me. I was puzzled just less than two hours ago I was here and she was fine. We were happy and smiling and now the floor is crumbling from underneath me.

“She... she…. Was fine...she wanted to take a... show...shower... and I was waiting for her on the bed reading a magazine… then I heard her scream…” I turned around to see Christi crying into her hands trying to steady her breathing to continue to tell me the story.

“Her scream was like something I have never heard before…I...I...” she lost it and cried even harder.

I sat next to her holding her close to me trying to get her to calm down a bit. “What else happened?”

“I ran to the bathroom and saw her lying on the tub… just crying and…screaming. I called the nurse in and then they pushed me out of the room.”

“How long have they been in there?”

“I don’t know. It seems like an eternity.”

I sat there staring at the door as if by magic I could turn back time.

About I don’t even know how long later, the nurses came out and then finally the doctor did. I quickly stood up expecting to hear that everything was fine. But that wasn’t the case at all.

“Hayley’s fine now, she’s steady and she has been put to sleep for the time being.” He sighed. “But as for...” he looked down and I knew.

I raised my hand up and shook my head lightly feeling the tears come to my eyes.

“I’m so sorry Taylor, we did all we could do.” I nodded.

My sight quickly returned to the floor and as I saw my tear drops fall all the way to the floor.

Hayley’s POV:

I lightly opened my eyes, the light being way too bright so I let my eyes get used to the light. I looked around confused. I began to replay the events that occurred before I completely blanked out.

“Hey.” I heard Taylor say as he made his way into the room.

“You’re back.” I said smiling, he gave a small smile back. “Where’s my mom?”

“She just left, I just got back from walking her to her car. She was waiting for you to wake up but that didn’t happen and she had to go home to your sisters.”

“Ahh yes, I can’t wait to get out of here.” I said with a grin.

“Hayles…” Taylor sighed with tears starting to form in his eyes. He sat on the edge of the bed holding my hands in his.

“What’s the matter?”

“You really don’t remember anything, do you?” I shook my head.

He gave a heavy sigh, “you lost the baby Hayley.”

“Whaaaat?” I said in complete shock.

“You had a miscarriage while you were in the shower.” He said standing up, placing his hands behind his head as he bit his lip from shaking at how hard he was crying.

“No, that is not what happened. I got in the shower and came back to bed and fell asleep.” I said with my eyes watery. “You’re wrong T, that’s not what happened. You must have had a nightmare.”

“Please Hayley, please don’t do this…please…don’t shut down.”

I sat there for a moment just letting his words consume me. Then it hit me.

“I lost our baby.” I said letting the tears escape. “Our bean.”

Taylor came over and wrapped his arms around me as I cried hysterically into his shirt.

I felt like I was shot in the stomach. I cried to the point that I couldn’t breathe anymore.

“Hayley breath, please baby.” Taylor said to me several times trying to get me to calm down and eventually I did.

I wasn’t crying anymore but my heart ached, not in a physically type of way either.

I was still in his arms and my face was still buried in his chest. He pushed me back a bit to expose my face but I didn’t want him to see me. I wanted to hide from him and from anyone that ever comes into my life.

“I’m so sorry bean, I failed you.” I muffled into Taylor’s shirt.

**Short Chapter because I just wanted to update tonight. HOWEVER this chapter is vital to the following ones. Enjoy...**

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