And I'm on my way to believe it

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Chapter 8

Hayley’s POV:

We had just arrived home from LA. Me and Taylor had a great time in California and even went to Disneyland.

It had been a whole week since Taylor talked to Gabby and when I asked him what they talked about, all he said was that it was all in the past. This whole week we spent hanging out with old friends and going to shows really must have done him good. I had never seen him laugh so much. He seemed genuinly happy which only brought a smile to my face.

I had just settled my bags in my room and was making my way down the stairs as the doorbell rang. I skipped down the stair and opened the door as Jeremy welcomed me with a big ole hug. I smiled and embraced him as well.

“How was California?” he asked as he made our way down the road to Adam’s office.

“It was so much fun, but it would have been more fun if you would have gone.” I said playfully punching his arm. He smirked which made me raise an eyebrow.

“Whaaaat?” He just smiled.

“Nothing, nothing.” He said not bothering to take his eyes off the road.

“Come on dude, I know that look, what is it?”

“Have you noticed how happy you seem?”

I wasn’t really understanding what he meant with that so I asked him to explain his theory.

“Come one hayles. Ever since you and Tay have been hanging out, you seem happy. There is a sparkle in your eyes and you can’t hide it from me. You like him don’t you?”

My eyes widen at how blunt he was. I blushed as I lightly nodded.

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.” He said giving me a wink getting out of the car.

I sat in the car for a few more seconds as my thoughts went crazy, how did he know? Was it that Obvious? Has Taylor noticed?

“Come on hayles, let’s not be late to this meeting.”

I took a deep breath as we made our way through the office door.

As I walked into the office I saw chocolate brown eyes look at me. I didn’t even notice how a smile formed on my face. I ran up to Taylor and buried my face in his chest. It was crazy how much I missed him even if we had just arrived from a vacation together.

“Sup man.” He said to Jeremy as they high fived.

I smiled taking a seat in between them. Adam went on to explain the following days to us. We were to perform on Warped Tour the next day and we were to leave later on tonight.

I was beyond excited. As soon as I arrived home I showered, unpacked and repacked my bags, and sat on the couch waiting for the bus to arrive.

As soon as I heard the honking I knew it was time to leave. I jumped off the couch and dragged my bags down the path way. Taylor was waiting outside to help me with my bags. I’m pretty sure Jeremy planned for this to happen.

Taylor’s POV:

I was laying in my bunk after a whole chick flick viewing marathon just looking at the top of my bunk. I lay awake even though I was exhausted. Every time I would close my eyes Hayley’s laugh became the only sound I could hear, her eyes where the only thing I could think of, and her face was the only thing I could see despite the darkness.

I put on my headphones and put on classical music trying to fall asleep and eventually I did.

I awoke to the sound of large crash. I sat up quickly forgetting that I was in my bunk. A stinging pain covered my forehead as I rubbed it. “Ouch.” I said quietly getting off my bunk and heading over to the area the sound came from.

In the Kitchen stood a horrified Hayley looking at a broken glass on the floor.

“What happened?” I asked letting out a yawn still holding my forehead.

“I tried to get a bowl and accidently knocked down the glass of water that was on the counter and now I’m afraid to step because I’m barefoot.” She said looking extremely scared.

“Shit, hold on,” I ran over to my bunk grapping my shoes. I slid them on and made my over to Hayley.

“Come on,” I picked her up bridal style and set her down away from the glass.

“My hero” she said with smile on her face.

I couldn’t help but notice how close our face was, and that I hadn’t fully released her. I had my arm around her waist and she had hers wrapped around my neck. Our eyes met and a strong urge to kiss her spread over my body.

“What happened here?” Jeremy said as we quickly separated.

“Hayley knocked down a glass it’s all cool though.” I said nervously walking away from Hayley.

An awkward tension filled the room which made me even more nervous.

Eventually we had to perform. I was trying to avoid Hayley as much as possible but that was kind of impossible as soon as we hit the stage. I kept glancing over at Hayley as she gave me a smile.

The show went great and I ran back to the bus to change so that we can go out to dinner. Hayley was the one to join me and Jeremy ran off to get some food since he was clearly starving.

As soon as I changed I noticed Hayley sitting in the back room. I walked in and sat next to her which must have startled her.

“Hey lost puppy.” I said as she gave me a smile. I placed my hand on hers and she took a deep breath.

“Please don’t.” she said taking her hand away from my grip. I was confused. She never pulled her hand away from mine even all those times we held hands while walking about Disneyland.

“I don’t understand.” I said frowning.

“It’s really not necessary for you to understand because there really isn’t a rational reason for my heart to think this way.”


“Don’t force yourself to explain why we can’t be together, I will always love your freedom even though it kills me, and yes I understand that you want to talk about it and that you want to know what is the matter with me, but I’m not sure if I want to. I’m not sure I want to live like this thinking about you.”

“Hayley...” She placed her finger on my mouth.

“Please don’t try to stop me, I will find a way to get over this and continue about my life even though right now I don’t seem to have one. I’m not sure if you comprehend what I’m trying to say but me speaking these words hurts.” She said as her eyes became watery.

I felt my world shake. I was dizzy and wasn’t sure how to answer to this. Just then Hayley got up and was making her way out the bus. I knew then what I wanted and what I wanted was her.

“Hayley.” I called her running up to her.

She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to me. A trail of tears was begging to form under both her eyes.

“You forgot something,” she looked at me confused.


“this.” I said as I placed a gentle kiss on her lips. 

I'm Screaming I love You So (Tayley)Where stories live. Discover now