Chapter 27

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A/N: Hey guys, as you've all probably guessed already, you are becoming a superhero!!🤗👏🏼🎉 So in this chapter, I've made up my own (as you can see the outfit in the pic above) it's just easier than writing out (superhero name), (weapon of choice) etc. but you can just insert your own names and stuff. Thank you so much for reading this book btw, I never thought I'd ever get to 11k views!! 💯❤️ I'm going to shut up now, enjoy!! 🙌🏼💗💫

You knew exactly what you were going to do, it was going to be the perfect way to prove not only to Damian, but everyone that you weren't just some weak little girl anymore. You were going to become a hero, a protector of the people of the cruel city of Gotham, you were no longer going to be the one who needs protection. You were sick of people looking down at you like some scared little girl.

The second you got home you opened up your laptop and did some internet searching on how to get materials for a costume and how expensive grappling guns were. You decided to leave the weapons for the time being and just focus on the costume, which really excited you at this point.

You had gone over a few ideas but you had a favourite, the inspiration was brought to you by researching lots of different types of birds, as that seems to be the common theme with vigilantes these days. You didn't want anything too bold and colourful as it wouldn't help with stealthiness and you just wanted to keep things simple, so the bird you chose as your inspiration was the Apodidae or most commonly known as the swift.

These birds were mostly black with a small patch of white so you decided your costume would consist of black leather pants, a black and white block top, a short black biker jacket, some white combat boots, a pair of leather gloves and to top it all off, a black domino mask. Another problem now was how to buy these things as the total cost was already around $100. After a few minutes of deep concentration, you remember that you had a bank account that you grandma had left for you before she passed away, and to your surprise, you guessed the password correctly so you could access it online. Your eyes looked as if they were going to burst out of their sockets when the account balance appeared on the screen in front of you;


You made a quiet squealing sound out of excitement and quickly bought everything you needed online and paid extra for the next day delivery. Now that you had your costume and name sorted all you needed to do now was find some weapons. You decided to stick with nunchucks for the time being as Ted had already taught you some skills with them in the gym and you sit of enjoyed hitting things with them.

The only thing you couldn't find was a grappling gun, it's not the kind of thing you can just buy online, so you would have to scale buildings and rooftops the old-fashioned way. You weren't going to be able to get to sleep anyway so you decided to practise your climbing abilities, it was 1 in the morning at this time, no one would see you if you just stuck to the apartments around your block.

You were still wearing your gym clothes as you couldn't be bothered to get changed when you arrived home. You climbed out of your window so you were standing on the ledge, the night air was icy cold and the wind burned the skin on your face as it blew. The building opposite where you were now positioned was luckily only a few metres in front of you. There was a balcony that you would have to jump to but it looked as if you would make it, you were only on the second floor after all. You took a deep breath and leapt as far as you could towards the balcony, as you hoped you landed with a tight grip on the ledge and you pulled yourself up. The hard bit was done and from now on all you had to do was climb about seven ladders from balcony to balcony to reach the rooftop.

You were so pumped up on adrenaline at this point that you managed to reach your destination within a minute. You loved the feeling you got from standing up here, you could see almost the whole of Gotham around you, it was beautiful. But you didn't come up here to see the sights, you needed to get back to work. The next building was again, only a few metres apart from the one you were currently standing on top of and it was the same height so you figured you'd take the risk and jump. You backed up a bit so you could get a good run up, and when you were ready, you sprinted as fast as you could, keeping your eyes straight ahead of you and not looking down. You used all the muscles in your legs to leap as far and high and you could and you neatly landed on the next rooftop. You were pretty pleased with yourself and carried on leaping from rooftop to rooftop for about 30 minutes or so and you quickly got the hang of it.

You felt your eyelids getting heavier and heavier and you thought it would be best to call it a night before you fell straight asleep on the roof...again. You headed back to your bedroom windowsill and that was when you realised that you had actually travelled quite far. The second you got to your bedroom you quickly got changed into your pyjamas and fell straight to sleep on the bed.

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