Wrong Timing Crystal

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⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙Matt's POV⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙

What the heck is that?

I heard a loud piercing scream as I walked out of Mr. Bower's class, I looked around and saw a group of people crowding the Crystal while she screamed like her life depended on it. That's when blood started oozing out of the side of her head slowly.

"What the heck did you do Natalie!!"

"Babe I didn't do anything I was just talking to her and told her-"

"Just shut up, please, oh my God shes not moving, did you kill her?"

"No I was just kicking her head lightly and then this happened. Babe, you know I love you, lets just leave her here, she's below our kind"

I ignore my ex girlfriend as I picked up Crystal in my arms and carried her to the nurses office. I kicked open the door, revealing a shocked nurse and a freshman getting a band aid.

"Please wrap her head with something, she uhh- accidentally fell."

She nodded her head, as I sat her body down onto one of the beds for her to dress to the wound to the side of the head. I felt like I was about to be sick so I left the nurses office to try and skip the rest of the day.

§§§§§§§§Crystals' POV§§§§§§§§§§

When I finally opened my eyes, I looked around and noticed I was like in some hospital of some kind. It was probably the nurses office. I tried to sit up, but that just caused my head to hurt even more. That's when I noticed the clock on the wall.


Shit, I have to get out of here. Schools out and ill be late for the fight.

I ignored the fact that the nurse was there talking to some guy and ran out of there. Despite my headache, I ran as fast as I could to the orphanage.
The moment I got there, I ran up to my room and started to change my clothes. While taking some pills to soothe my headache.

I chose to wear my favorite light blue shorts that have white designs on the side of them, with a loose black crop top to show off my tattoos. I also chose to wear my favorite white vans along with my signature mask. The mask was custom made with metal parts on the side of my head so that I won't go go under a panic attack like earlier today. The mask was black with golden designs all around it. Then taking off the beanie and letting my curly hair fall down to its normal length.

I looked in the mirror and saw that I was ready to go to the fight.

I rode my motorcycle down to the fighting bar. I parked Max close enough so that I could run just in case the cops came or something.

I walked into the bar and noticed that every decoration was still the same. Everything was hawaiian themed for that was Billy's favorite state. Billy was the guy who owned the place. Speaking of the devil himself.

"Ayeee Crystal it's nice to see you again, your here early."

"What. I thought that the fights start at 3:30?"

"Oo, I guess you didn't get the e-mail, all fights now start at 8:00."

"Uggh okay well then I can't fight today, Terry wants me home by eight so i'll just go work out at the gym."

"Oh i'm sorry again, see you tomorrow?"

"Haha yeah don't think about it i'll be here tomorrow too. Peace out Billy."

"Okay bye Crystal"

And with that I took off to the gym.

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