Broken Egos and Broken Face

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  «»«»«»«»Alessio's POV«»«»«»«» 

Beep beep beep

Uggh. Today is the dreadful day in which I have to be starting my 'training' for my gang and I. The only good part about this is that I will not have to attend all my classes today. I will probably attend my first class just to see the nerd.


Walking into my first class late, I looked towards the back of the classroom just to find out that the nerd was not here today.

Huh that's weird, I thought nerds always attended school and never miss a day.

I decided to just sit in the class for the first few minutes, and then use the bathroom emergency card. It always works like a charm.


After exiting the class, I went towards my car and decided that I should probably just train with the rest of my gang. I saw my beautiful car and saw how shiny it was. People sometimes think it's the car that's the chick magnet, that's true. It is also about the good looks, which I clearly have.

Pulling into one of the parking spaces of the abandoned building, I scanned the area admiring how quiet and secretive it was.

I walked into the building and noticed that everyone was in the middle of training. They were partnered up with the opposite gender and were practicing on their defense and offense. I smirked because I knew that I had already mastered those skills.

All of a sudden I noticed that everyone stopped training and looked at me, I smirked even bigger.

I walked to the middle of the room and looked at everyone but I did not see the person that is supposedly supposed to be their awesome trainer.

"So where is he? Where is this so-called awesome trainer of yours?"

"SHE is right here, and SHE is not happy that you came late and disrupted the training."

I turned around and was shocked to what I saw, it was the hot girl that goes to my college.

Wait what?! She sort of looks familiar, but I just can't-

"Oi! I asked you a question."

"Huh? Oh , what was the question again?"

"What do you want to work on today?"

I scoffed.

"You think that I need training, please. I am the best of the best."

"Wow, I wish I was as humble as you are."

I glared at her.

Who does she think she is?

A hot chick, duh.

Shut up brain.

She walked towards me very slowly, until she was a bout five feet away.

"If you think you can fight, then fight me right now."

I shook my head.

"I don't fight girls."

"You don't fight girls, or are you just afraid to loose to them?"

She was getting me mad, but I had to keep it in, she wouldn't be able to handle my strength.

"Okay, how about a deal?"

I was intrigued at this point, so I nodded my head.

"If I win, I continue training your gang with you included. If you win, you-"

"I want to not train with you guys, ever. I don't need it anyways."

She nodded her head.

Somewhere in the room, a bell rung signaling that our little fight has started.

She started circling around me. I searched for a weakness, while she did the same. When we both couldn't find any, I decided that I would be the first to strike.

What she did next surprised me. I stepped forward with my right foot and was about to reach forward for a punch but was surprised when she swiped her leg under me while I was falling forward.

As I was on the floor, she just circled around me while putting on an innocent face.

I got up and quickly punched her in the stomach, surprised to feel a six pack. She was caught of guard with that punch, so I decided to punch harder with my other hand.

Just when I was about to punch her with my other hand, she caught it. She pulled me close and whispered in my ear.

"Do yourself a favor and lower your ego, or you will get more than a broken nose."

"I don't have a bro-oww. What the fu-"

"No complaining, you had this coming towards you."


I was at home for resting and trying to collect what was left of my ego. After leaving the training area  I called Brad to come and pick me up since I was too tired to drive.

Brad is my second in command. We went home, I was quickly aided by Mary. She has been my motherly figure in my life since the accident.

"Hey Alessio?"

Brad snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked towards him, signaling that I was listening.

"You know what, I am tired of this."

"Tired of what."

"Tired of you being so depressed and bored here. Ever since we got here you have been complaining that everyone tells you need to train. Let's go somewhere."

"Where would we go though?"

It took a few minutes, but he finally turned around to face me with an evil smile.

"Let's go and get some tattoos"


Hey guys sorry for the wait, I am already working on the next chapter for you guys.

Peace out my peeps. ✌

I don't think that I will posting a lot of chapters in Alessio's POV so the next few will be in crystals.

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