The Big Question

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*Picture above is Crystal's outfit before the fight*

I'm sorry that the last few chapters have been a little short, I have been trying to figure out what I want in the story and the little details like that. This chapter will be longer and will all be in Matt's POV. Please Enjoy :)

⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙Matt's POV⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙

I followed her in my car very slowly, remembering to keep a far away distance. I watched her walk into the orphanage. I had a moment where I felt bad for her, but I brushed it off.

Come on man your Matt freaking Ryder, the player, the heart breaker you don't feel bad for anyone.

Then why are you here? A little voice in my voice said.

Wait she's an orphan? Hmm what's so different about her then? Woah who is that?

Just as I was finishing my thoughts, a girl walked out of the building with violet blue hair. She was wearing a red laced crop top with white skinny jeans. She had tattoos on the sides of her arms and was wearing black aviators that covers her eyes. She had long legs and had muscles on her arms that were clearly visible, she looked about my age. Weird huh? And I had to admit, she looked hot. I couldn't help feeling that I recognized this girl though. I decided that I would follow her.

Is this Crystal? Pssh don't be silly Matt this hot chick couldn't be her. But they do look like...

She opened her garage reveling a beautiful yellow Lamborghini, she walked right passed it showing up with a black motorcycle with flames on the side. She put her helmet on and immediately started to ride down the road after closing and locking the garage door. I followed after her keeping a good distance away so I don't raise suspicions.

Who is this girl? The question is, why am I following her? Why does she seem so familiar?

With all the thoughts that clouded my head, I hadn't noticed that we were arriving a Hawaiian bar. I know this place, it's just that I don't usually like coming here. Well I have only been here during the day time. I texted my friends to come over to investigate this mystery girl further.

MATT: Guys come over to the Hawaiian bar, I need you to come check this out.

RYAN: So i'm just supposed to drop everything and come to you?

MATT: You will if you don't want me to drop you instead.

RYAN: Ok ok, I was already going into my car anyway.

ETHAN: Yoo adventure time!!

SETH: Wow Ethan -_-. I'm on my way Matt.

30 Minutes Later

"Ayee wazzz up." Ethan walked up to me while doing our little handshake.

"Sup." Ryan did the same followed after Seth.

"So what are we doing here anyway"

"Just follow me"

As I walked inside, my eyes spotted the mystery girl inside a wrestling ring with a guy three times her size. Was he on steroids or something. She had changed into basketball shorts and an addidas shirt.

"On this side, weighing 130 pounds, KILLER!"

The crowd grows wild, as the mystery girl stands onto the rope and flexes her muscles.

"And on this side, weighing 310 pounds, THE DESTRUCTOR!"

"Last chance to bet, please put your money into the baskets with the winning fighters name."

The Secret Fighterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن