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«»«»«»«»«»Alessio's POV«»«»«»«»

I walked into her down to see that she still had boxes of her stuff still unpacked. Maybe it was her got roommate.

"So where is your roommate?"

She gave me a confused look.

"What roommate? I am the only person in this dorm."

This caused me to raise my eyebrows. Then who was that one girl?

Probably just a roommate.

"So where do you keep your books?"


"I just realized that they are not in this room. They are in that room."

She pointed to a room that was far from the others. Okay so let's go to it then.

I was walking towards it and about to open the door when she slapped my hand.


Once again, I was shocked with this girl.

I then smirked, was this her way of flirting?

"Come on jut let me in there, I promise I won't judge you on how many books you have."

"No, it's really dirty in there."

I rolled my eyes. Then looked into her eyes while holding her hands.

"I don't care how messy it is in there. Do you want to know a secret?"

She nodded while blushing.

I whispered so cute, which she must have heard because her blushed deepened.

I chuckled.

"I love reading. I know, big shocker. I have a big library at my house that I spend my hours in when I am not busy with other ga- buisness."

She was still shocked with the fact that I read that she didnt notice I was opening the door.

Shocked. That is all I felt right now.

I looked around the room and saw so many weapons, I didn't know half the names of them. There were some that didn't even look like that they were supposed to be released yet.

I turned around to see an angry Crystal.

"I told you not to go in there Alessio."

I shivered because the way she said my name was full of hate at the same time I found it very intriguing. I snapped out of it to deal with the matter at hand though.

"Why do you have all these weapons in here? There are weapons here that are not even released yet."

"You still haven't recognized me yet?"

I took a moment to look at her and I found myself wondering where I have seen her face before but came up blank. She saw the confusion on my face and sighed and mumbled stupid under her breath.

"Maybe this will make it easier for you."

She took off her wig and her glasses and I swear I stood there for so long with my mouth wide open.She was hot, but I was not about to tell her that.

"You're the trainer that beat me up!"

she shrugged.

"Honestly, you deserved it. You were way to cocky."

Yeah I need to work on that.

Yeah you do.

Shut up!

"Okay, why do you put all these things on?"


I took a minute to think.

"You want a real friend, one that will judge you on what you look like. Maybe one that is not afraid of you."

"Wow. You are smarter than you look. Don't let that get to that big head of yours."


"By the way, before I forget. Nice tats."

"Thanks. A friend of mine said that I should get new ones."

"Okay, you sit right here and I will go get dressed."

I sat down and thought about my family, and how my parents were never there for me. Where did they go to all the time? I was told that they were spies and went on a mission to protect-


I looked up and for the second time I felt surprised. There she was standing in basketball shorts and a tank top, but she was still beautiful. I noticed that she has tattoos of her own on both sides of her arm. One was a Chinese symbol, and the other was a tribal pattern.

"Hello, Alessio. I asked you a question."

"Oh, um yeah I'm ready."

I am glad she didn't say anything about the staring. I don't think that she even noticed though.


We are in my car right now, and stuck in traffic.

"Okay since we are stuck in traffic, we might as well get to know each other."

She looked at me.

"Fine um, where do I start."

"How about your name, that you refused to tell me."

A melodic sound came from her mouth.

Is that her laugh?

No stupid, that's her cough. Of course it's her laugh.

I found myself staring at her again, and I noticed she was doing the same with a slight blush.

How can someone be so beautiful? She doesn't even have makeup on, it's natural.

"Crystal. Crystal Hell."


"That is my name. I made up my last name since I don't really remember my parents names, well the parents that raised me."

I don't think I was supposed to hear that last part so I let it slide, for now so that she could continue.

"I am Tongan, and love playing rugby."

Okay that explains the tribal tattoo.

"Anything else you love?"

She looked at me with the most serious face I have seen her put on so far.

"Pizza. I love pizza."

Another round of laughs were shared.

"Okay what about you?"

"My name is not a cool as yours. It's Alessio Alverez. I am half Italian and black and love pizza also."

We both grinned.

"Look Crystal, the traffic is clearing we can listen to music the rest of the way now."

I don't know why I said it. I did regret it though. I turned off the music for a reason still unexplainable to myself.

Heyyyoo! Sorry it took so long, I broke my phone and have been studying for finals. My finals are next week, but I will still try and post. I am typing on my computer though, so it will be slow.

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