Let's Go

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§§§§§§§Crystals' POV§§§§§§§§§§

I woke up feeling like crap. The memories of the phone call and Mike's scream ran through my head. Then I remembered how Matt came to comfort me and carried me to bed. This made me have a weird feeling in my stomach.

After sitting on my bed for a few more minutes, I decided to go to school. I had to go to school to make sure that nobody got hurt.
I have too many missions on my plate. Kill Don and his crew, find the teachers and protect the students.

I decided that there was no use in hiding my identity because they already knew who I was.
So I just got dressed in my usual attire, but carried weapons just in case. I usually sleep at this place when I was too tired to head home, so everything was already in a suitcase. I also had a sink installed just in case. I wore maroon skinny jeans, a black tank top and a black coat. I topped this off with my black combat boots and a fishtail braid. I also packed a gun and a knife that was well hidden.

I walked out to see the guys sleeping. The evil side of me came out and I knew exactly what to do. I went to the sink in my built in bathroom and filled up a bucket of ice cold water. I came into the main room and did an evil laugh before pouring the water all over them.

The looks on their faces were priceless. I started cracking up, when they realized it was me I stopped laughing and I grinned at them. When they saw me, their eyes widened and looked at my attire. I smirked when Matt stared longer.

"Like what you see, take a picture, it lasts longer."

Matt looked down and I smirked knowing that he was blushing.

Awe he is so cute. He is even hotter when he blushes. Wait what?! Shut up brain.

"Okay guys, get up and get ready for school."

It was Ethan who spoke first.

"Noooo! I don't want to go to school. Why do we have to go anyways, it's too dangerous to go."

The was a mumble of yeah's and trues.

"Well I have to go to school to make sure that Don and the rest of his crew don't try anything."

"Well then why do we have to go?"I looked at Ryan.

"Because we are high school students, if we miss school, they will go to our houses to look for us, only see our families there and kidnap them so we can show ourselves."

It was silent. It finally dawned on them that I was right. Matt looked at me.

"Why are you wearing those clothes?"

"There is no use in hiding my identity if they already know who I am."

"Oh okay. Well don't have any clothes to change into."

I walked into my room and looked through the suitcase until I saw some guy clothes. I grabbed a few and walked out. I have guy clothes just in case Mike came over. He had big problems with his dad so sometimes he needed a place to stay.

I walked out and threw the clothes on the guys who were finally standing up. Matt looked at me with an expression I could not define at the moment.

"Um why do you have guy clothes?"

"Their my boyfriend's clothes." I lied.

"Oh, um okay."

Is he jealous?

"I'm just messing with you. It's my friends, Mike."

"Is he the guy you were on the phone with the other day?"

I tensed up. "Yes he is, get dressed guys, we leave in 15 minutes."

I know I sounded cold, but I just couldn't relive that moment. I walked into the back and saw one of my emergency cars sitting there.

"Hey there Flynn."

Flynn is my new edition to the family. I only use him in times like these. Flynn was the new BMW vision. My friend, Carly, bought it for me.

I drove Flynn out to the entrance of the fun house. All the guys had their mouths open when they saw the car. I rolled down the tinted windows down.

"Say hello to Flynn."

"This is your car!"

Ethan looked at me like he was about to explode. I smirked.

"No, I just found this car in the middle of the damn woods. Now get in losers, we are going to be late for school."

I heard a few grumbles, but they all went inside of the car anyways. The ride was silent, probably because everyone was thinking about how today was going to go. We finally made it to the school. I turned to the guys in the back who looked a bit nervous.

"Oh and by the way, don't get yourselves killed. If you run into danger press this button"

I handed them all a watch, I had these in emergencies cases like Mike and Charlotte wanting to exit a fight in case it was getting too heated up. I made extras because we would always end up breaking ours. I sighed.

"Well guys lets go."

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