First Day

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I decided to make a second update for all you peeps that have been waiting. Sorry for taking so long...


«»«»«»«»«»Alessio's POV«»«»«»«»

Beep beep beep beep

I finally pressed the dismiss button after pressing snooze for the past ten minutes.

Getting up I slowly made my way to the bathroom area and did my buisness.

I groaned when I realized that we have to be trained by the local gang. See my gang was big and tough, it's just that, they are very cocky. They don't really have the skills, just the muscle.

I honestly think that I am the best fighter there is that ever existed, which is why it pissed me with what that Matt guy said...


"Hey, my name is Matt and I am one of the techno guys of this gang."

I smirked.

"Oh so your a computer geek."

He muttered something under his breath about not being one in high school but I doubt it.

"Well I honestly don't think that I really need to come here, but my dads will says otherwise."

My dad died a very long time ago while on a mission. I never got to see him, he said he was always taking care of a princess amd would always visit me at night.

One night he just didn't show up, I got news that he was in a car crash with two other people. One one person made it out alive. When I find-


I was snapped out of my thoughts when Matt started to shake me.


"I was asking you the reason why you think you don't need to come here."

"Oh because, I am already the best fighter the is to be."

He scoffed.

"Okay, whatever you say. Just wait until your training starts. The trainer will kick your ass."

I smirked.

"Well I guess we will just have to see. Who is the trainer anyway?"

"Let's just say this person is our best fighter and has never lost once, but don't underestimate this person."

"..oh, um ok."

That was confusing, but I know that I am still the best fighter there is. Nothing and no one can change that...

Flashback over...

I was about to leave my dorm, when something-or someone, caught my attention.

A beautiful girl walked by while on her phone. She had the most beautiful eyes and smile. She was wearing baggy clothes and big glasses, I don't really know why though. When she got off the phone she walked right into a building, which was probably her next class.

I was about to enter that class, seeing that it was next class too, but I was stopped when someone touched my back.

I instantly grabbed the hand and was ready to fight, until I saw it was another student.

"Hey, your new here right? My name is Nicki, and I am the most popular girl in this school. You know popular people need to hang out together in a group, and looking at you, I know you will fit right in with us. So what do you say?"

This girl didn't even give me time to respond before she smashed her lips against mine, still in shock I kept still. When I realized what was happening, I pushed her away.

"What the hell?"

She just smirked at what I said and walked away, trying to look suductive.

She was obviously the popular girl because of the way she presented herself. She wore a mini dress thst barley covered her butt and heels that could pass as a weapon if pulled off.

Looking at my phone, I realized that I was late. It was okay though, the teacher was an old friend of mine. Once I walked in, almost all eyes were on me. Almost except for one.

"Nive of you to join us Mr. Alverez."

I smirked and nodded before making my way up.

Looking down at the girl in front of me, I sat next to her. I looked at her and my breath caught in my throat. She was beautiful up close and had a small trace of freckles on her cheeks. Damn, I need to stop before I catch something.

Besides i'm a player not a lover, so I stopped checking her out.

Luckily she was too busy checking me out to notice that I was doing the same.


I barley heared it, but what she said made me smirk and before I could stop what I said, it was already being said.

"I know i'm hot, but you don't have to say damn like that."

Dammit, why did you say that Alessio?

She rolled her beautiful eyes and looked away, but I could see a hint of blush on her face. She was so cut- she's okay, I guess.

"Well I know you already know my name, what's yours?"

I smirked because I know that no girl could resist my charm. I kmew that it was working too, just by the way she was smiling.

That is until it turned into a smirk.

"That is none of your buisiness."

To say I was shocked was an understatement.

Do I know her? That would be the only reason why she would treat me this way. Do people tell her about me?

I grabbed her hand before she could leave.

"Do I know you?"

"No, well not yet, at least."

She was turning to walk away, when I had an idea to follow this girl. She has no idea who she is messing with.

I followed her slowly all the way back to her dorm room, but what came out was not what or who I expected.

There was another girl in her dorm!? The shy girl has a hot girl in her dorm? Damn and she fine too!

I couldn't really see her, but I could tell she was hot. So I decided that I would follow her to get her phone number or something.

Sooner or later she started to run, so I started to run after her. Turning a corner and running after her still, I realized that this is creepy.

Why should I be chasing after her, when I could just ask the nerd tommorow at class?

With that note, I decided to just go to my next class with mystery girl and nerd girl in my mind.

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