Part One: Stupid Project, Stupid Storm

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§§§§§§§Crystals' POV§§§§§§§§§§

After I got ready, I took one last look in the mirror and smirked as I remembered meeting the Matt and his group of friends.

Note to Self: Remember not to show any signs of how you know them if you see them tonight.

I walked out onto the road and started to head down the rode while texting my friends.

KILLER: Hey guys wats up

CHAR CHAR: Nothing much

MIKE: Fucking bitches

CHAR CHAR: Like they would ever want to fuck you

MIKE: Aye, I am a very sexy guy

KILLER: Guys really 😑😂

MIKE: Sorry lol

CHAR CHAR: Lol yea sorry. Oo u did hella good in the fight yesterday

KILLER: Really

MIKE: Yea you did, at that one point, I thought that guy really did knock you out.

CHAR CHAR: Are you going again tonight?

KILLER: Yea I need to make some more money, Mama needs a new pair of shoes. Well i gtg to school with loosers peace out.

Right when I sent that text, I did not notice the body that was walking towards me.

"Oof" I fell to the ground with a small thud.

Damn when did they place a wall here.

I looked up and notice a beautiful pair of eyes looking at me with wide eyes. Once who I saw who it was, I got up and started to run all the way down to school.

Wait, did I just describe Matt as beautiful? Uggh what has gotten into you Crystal. What happened to "watch where you are going".

As soon as I was coming closer to the school, I ran into the bathroom to make sure that nothing was out of place. I pushed open the doors and instantly gasped as I saw a strand of my hair popping out. I tucked it into place and fixed my glasses and my clothes. That's when an idea popped into my head.

Did Matt see my hair. Ha don't be silly, if he did, he would've said something. Then again, I did run away from him before he could say anything.


I walked out of the bathroom and headed to Mr. Bower's class. I sat down in my usual spot in the back and noticed that Matt was not sitting here today. I spoke too soon because he walked in as soon as those words left my mind. Go figure the bad boy would be late huh? I'm just surprised he didn't skip.


School Is In Session

When he walked in, I noticed that he looked tense. That was until he scanned the room and his eyes landed on me. It was like once he saw me, his expression softened. Maybe I was just seeing things. Right? He took his seat beside me and that's when I tuned in to what Mr. Bower was saying.

"All right everybody there is a new project that I need you guys to actually try to work on. This project will be half of your grade in this class. You will be working in partners of two and will be given a topic to research all about. Take out a pencil and paper as I tell you what you will need to research about."

I reached into my backpack and realized that I still have a gun in this backpack. After the last fight, one of the people that I pissed off, came up to me and threatened me. I hadn't realized that my face went pale just thinking about it. I shakily got up and started taking the notes.

" Okay, you will need to find out where this thing originated from, what does it do, how is it used, and ten other interesting facts. I want a paragraph for each fact and do not forget to site the websites you used."

Groans filled the room. Once they died down, I saw everyone making eye contact with the partners they want, while I just kept my head down.

"I am afraid to tell you guys that you will not be choosing your partners, I will be choosing your partners for you."

Another round of groans erupted in the classroom.

"Here are the list of names, I will be reading them out loud. If you would like to see who your partner is, I will be posting it outside of the office windows. This project will take up to two or three months. Ryan and Eddie, Marcie and Alex, Enoch and Kami, Ethan and Emily, Seth and Charlie, Crystal and Matt..."

Sorry this chapter was short. For some reason, when I would publish the story, it wouldn't show up. I split the story, hopefully that works.

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