Plan Into Action

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§§§§§§§Crystals' POV§§§§§§§§§§

After Matt left I instantly blushed.

What is wrong with you Crystal, you don't blush, you fight.

I am going to be honest with everyone here and tell you guys that Matt looked hot in that suit. Just thinking of it reminds me about what he said about not everything being small. Once again, I blushed.

Shut up Crystal

After leaving the room and seeing him change back, I decided that this was a good time to tell him that we will be leaving in two days. I will admit, he is a fast learner. He is such a fast learner, that he is almost as good as me in both his gun and fighting skills.


After waking up the next day, I was shocked to see that my hair was blonde with pink tips. I was meant to dye it brown, but I guess I bought the wrong color. I tried to stand up, when I felt something holding me down. I looked over to see that Matt was in my room.

"What the hell Matt, what are you doing here?"

He woke up after I slapped his arm.

"Huh? I didn't want to sleep in my room, besides, I wanted to see your morning bed hair."

I blushed while he just smirked. Bitch.

"Well, what do you think of it, pretty shitty huh?"

He looked at me with a look a couldn't decipher.

"It looks beautiful."

And cue the blush plus the smirk.

"Well I am going back to sleep."

I was snapped out of what trance that I was put in. It was too late though, because his eyes were already closed and the sound of his snores filled the room. I decided to let him have his rest since we have been working for a long time. I ended up falling asleep too.

We woke up in the afternoon and went back into training since we had about a day left. Everything was set into place and but I was still nervous. Matt wanted to talk about is and I know he did, but I still had too much on my plate.

We finished training at night. I looked up from where I was stitting to see that Matt was sitting as well on the other side of the mat.

"You are getting so well at fighting Matt, you even got me tired."

He smirked and was about to say something smart when we heard cars and saw headlights through the windows.

Matts eyes went wide and I told him to be very quiet and to follow me.

We turned off the training room light, since that was the only light on. We then climbed into the highest place in the building, which is the storage room above or an attic.

After locking the door and checking to make sure both of our phones were on silent, we started to text each other.

MATT: What do we do, and who were those people?

CRYSTAL: Idk, but they might be people who want to buy the land

MATT: Okay but just in case, go check in the window.

I walked over the window and saw something that I didn't want to see, because I didn't know if the plan was ready to be acctivated or not.

MATT: Is it time?

I turned back to Matt and nodded.

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