College Life

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2 years later....

§§§§§§§Crystals' POV§§§§§§§§§§

It has been two years since I joined the gang. I still go to school because, I still want a better future. Matt dropped out because he wants to focus on the gang, we also dated awhile. I'll save you the story and say that we are better off staying as friends. Everyone else dropped out too, and my dad is training me to become the next leader.

I was walking to my next class when someone bumped into me.

"Watch out nerd!"

Yes, I still go by the nerd. I don't need anyone to be afraid of me, and for anyone to know the real me. My life is still as dangerous as before, if not, more dangerous. So it still has to remain a secret.

I am also the next in line for becoming the gang leader. Mike and Charlotte are dating. As for me, I am just living the single life.

I was walking to my dorm, when I felt eyes on me. I walked away faster. Finally making it to my room, I shut the door. I don't have a room mate, which is good so that I can change in and out of my costumes. Since no one really pays attention to the nerd, no one would know where I am.

After I finished changing out of my nerd clothes, I walked out and headed out for the gangs hide out.


After coming back from the gym,  I took a shower then changed into shorts and a tang top. My tatoos are still the same, except for the new one I have that represents my gang. It is two bloody swords crossing each other. The tattoo is on the back of my neck, which I cover with my wig.

The next day...

I just finished dressing up as a nerd, when I walked out to attend my first class.

Just then, I was pushed into another room. I was about to attack when I heard three words, I did not want to hear.

"I'm watching you."

I am pretty sure my face was pale the whole day. As it was time for lunch, I called Matt.

"What it do, honey boo."

I rolled my eyes.

"You know, you have to stop stealing quotes from youtubers."

"I can't help it, they are so catchy."

"Whatever. Look I need your help, someone is watching me."

"Yeah I know. I tried to tell you but you were to busy being a nerd to answer my texts."

"Okay okay just shut up and tell me what you know."

He sighed.

"I don't know anything."

"Okay well keep searching. I have to go no-"

"Wait. I just remembered, your dad told me to tell you that there is a new gang in town."


"And, he wants you train their future leader and his gang."


"You know why. You are the best fighter in the gang. I don't even know how though"

"Yeah w-hey! Rude much?"

I could hear him laughing on the other end.

"Phew, that was gold. Okay but you start their training tomorrow."

"What?! Why so early?"

"Well I got the news last week, I just forgot to tell you hehe."

"I'm done with you."

"Come on Crystal, don't be like that."

"No, I seriously have to go. My last class is about to start."

"Okay, well by-"

"Wait, do you have information on the new gang."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

And cue the eye rolling.

"Well the future gang leader is a college student, and his name is Alessio Alverez. Haha double A. The gangs name is Dark Angel, they all have tattoos of black wings with gold and silver tips."

"Is that it?"

"For now yes."

"Okay thanks, peace out ass nugget."

"See yah bitchy waffles."

Okay well you may wonder "what's with the nicknames Crystal?"

Well i'll save that story for another day.

Entering my first class, I sat all the way in the back. Halfway through the lesson, someone walks in and slams the door shut.
I feel someone sit beside me.

"Ah nice of you to join us Mr. Alverez."

I instantly stopped writting and looked up.


Guys I am so sorry if it sucked. This is my first book. Can you guys tell me whether you want me to continue this in another book or in this same book.

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