Ethan Time

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§§§§§§§Crystals' POV§§§§§§§§

I laughed so hard thinking about what happened at the warehouse.

I was fixing my wig and my glasses while thinking about last week when that idiot tried to challenge.

I was kinda worried after not seeing him for a week now but I know that he probably needs to heal his face...and ego.

There I go again, I started to laugh again imagining his shocked face when I punched him. After he left I told the rest of his gang that he was an example of what will happen if they don't listen to what I say.

As I was leaving to exit to my class I noticed that Nicki had a new plaything. I scrunched up my face in disgust as I watched them.

That's when the guy turned around and I saw that it was Alessio! And he has new tattoos with a haircut. Am I the only one that actually likes guys with tattoos on?

I was not broken hearted because I kinda saw this happening. When he saw me all he did was smirk and continued kissing Nicki.

I walked into class and once again sat all the way in the back. I say in the back for two reasons, because I am supposed to be shy and quiet and because I like texting on my phone.

Class started a few minutes ago and I was texting Matt, when we all heard someone barge into the classroom. I didn't need to look up to know who it was. I continued to text on my phone when I felt eyes on me.

I looked up to see that Alessio was smirking at me. Why was he smirking?


Class just ended and I was walking to my next class when someone pushed me against the wall.

I was about to act on instinct and grabbed their hand really tight when I saw who it was, I let go. Alessio.

He gave me a questioning look into breaking out into a smirk.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

What are you talking about, you're the one that has been gone for the past week.

Which is what I wanted to say.

"What are you talking about?"

"Is someone jealous?"

And that is when I could not hold it in anymore. I instantly started to laugh. When it finally died down I looked up to see that he had a confused expression on.

"Is that why you have been smirking a lot lately? For a moment there I thought you were just thinking some nasty thoughts, which would be really creepy."

"For your information I would not think anything dirty about you. Your not hot enough for me to do that."

Ouch. Well that hurt my ego.

I moved from under his arm and moved away so quick. I quickly ran into my next class wondering why his words actually managed to hurt me.

I am so glad that I didn't get to see his face when he said that. He was probably smirking.

After this class I had lunch where I would meet up with Matt and Ethan. He missed me a lot so he decided to come and visit.

I will also tell him everything that has happened lately.

"Damn he is a tomato."

I looked at Ethan who was looking genuinely upset about the matter at hand.

"What did you just call him?"

"A tomato. Ugh I hate tomato's."

He made a face that was enough to make me laugh. We were both waiting for Matt to get here. I was fine though because Ethan was keeping me company. Thats when we got a text from Matt saying that he couldn't make it.

"For the record your the hottest person I have ever met before."

I looked at him and saw that he had a genuine smile, until it turned into a smirk.

"Well besides me of course."

I playfully glared at him and then punched him. He looked down at his phone and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"Matt can't make it."

"Yeah um, he kinda already texted me that."


This times I decided to play along.

"This is what you get for taking him away from me in the first place."

"I'm sorry, sike!!"

Let's just say we spent the whole lunch period laughing our butts off.


«»«»«»«»Alessio's POV«»«»«»«»


That's all I felt right now, and honestly I don't know why. Was it because of what I said to that nerd girl?

No shit Sherlock.

Shut up brain, I'm trying to think.

It's gonna be hard to think if I shut up.

You know what whatever.

I kept on replaying her face when I told her that. I didn't mean to, it just came out.

She was pretty but I don't know if you would call it sexy.

Thinking of her face, I can picture her tan skin, and her hair that she mostly puts in a beanie. Her oversized glasses was something to, they made her look nerdy. If you look beyond then, you see a beautiful gi-

"Babe let's go and have some lunch, I'm hungry."

I turned and saw Nicki. I have no idea why she calls me babe but I decide to go with it. After all, I do need a plaything.


After eating lunch, Nicki introduced me to her dorm room.

Right now I was changing in my dorm room into some training clothes.

I was walking out, someone caught my eye. Nerd. I really need to get her name.

I was walking up to her, when I heard her on the phone.

"Why couldn't you make it to lunch today Matt?"


No, this couldn't be the same Matt. Right?

"Well if the gang needed you, then who am I to say no."

Yup, definitely the same Matt.

I don't know why, but I was sort of upset and mad. I brushed off the feeling and continued to walk up to her.

"Okay, yeah. See yah."

"Hey Nerd."

She turned and I saw her hands were in fists before she unblocked then when she saw it was me.

"Oh, you scared me Alessio."

Her voice was soft, and all the anger was washed away when she said my name.

"Where are you going?"

She hesitated before answering.

"Just to my dorm room to read books"

"Oh, well can I read with you then."

Hesitation, again.

"Uh, yeah sure."

She was hiding something, and I will make sure I find what that is.


Sorry it took so long, I'm going to try and post at least once a week. I am trying to come up with some new ideas.

I hope you like the character I chose for Alessio btw :)

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