Come With Me

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ωωωωωωDon's POVωωωωωωωω

Matt turned to me with an angry glare.

"What do you want from us?"

I laughed so hard at that. I know I might have looked like a lunatic, but I didn't care.

"He wants me because I killed on of his most precious little minions."

And that was when I stopped.

"And that is where you are wrong my dear Crystal."

She looked so confused.

"I have been trying to capture you for so long because you are mine Crystal."

"Gross man, isn't she too young for you."

I have him a look that said 'really'.

"Crystal what I am trying to say, is that your whole life has been a waste of time and a lie. I know you more than anyone else in the world. You have a birthmark on the side of your leg in the shape of a heart. You don't like it because it is too girly though. You love to talk, but only to those you see frequently. Your original hair color is brown and would change colors due to the season. You-"

I was inturupted by Matt once again.

"Okay man, we get it. You are a stalker."

I shook my head at him.

"No, I want Crystal to come with me. Join me and my men, we can go somewhere safe and live happily."

It was her turn to talk now.

"And why should I do that?"

"Because Crystal, I am your father."

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