Hello Mika

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This Chapter will be back into Crystals POV.

§§§§§§§Crystals' POV§§§§§§§§§§

I got up from sleeping on Matt because I felt someone was watching us.

Oo you fell asleep on Matt

Shut up brain, now is not the time

I turned around because I heard footsteps.

"Well well well, what do we have here?"

I turned around to a smirking Mika. He was wearing a suit, as always and looking at me with a crazy glint in his eyes. 

"What do you want Mika?"

"I came here to finish what I started."

I was half asleep so I did not notice the knife he had in his hand as he stabbed in in the stomach and made his fist come in contact to my face. I was wide awake now. I punched him hard across the face, causing him to grunt. I went to kick him in the face, when he grabbed my leg and swung me across the room. We somehow made our way to the kitchen and fought there. 

"What's going on down there?"

Shit. I forgot that the guys were asleep upstairs. Mika had the same look on his face and ran out the door, I followed him to see that he left in a white van. I took this time to memorize the license place. 


With that note, I jumped back onto a couch. I heard the footsteps of someone coming down the stairs. Not long after I heard a snap and saw a flash. Once I heard the steps go back up, I sat up. I whimpered a little remembering that Mika had stabbed me. Ignoring the pain, I ran out the door and kept on running until I arrived at the orphanage. I climbed through the window. I was glad that the storm had died down for I was afraid that the group of guys could figure out my secret. I heard my phone buzz indicating that I had a text message. I was too tired to read it, so I just went straight to bed figuring out the lie I would have to tell the guys when they asked about why I left.




I sat up, running my hand through my hair as I recalled what happened to me yesterday. I got up and changed into my running clothes. I did my normal routine then finally putting on my nerdy clothes with a beanie to cover my hair. I suddenly remembered that I did not check my phone yesterday for that text message that I had gotten.

UNKNOWN: I see that you have gotten stronger. You may be able to almost beat me, but remember I can still call Don to come after you.

That text sent chills down my spine. Don was the toughest one of them all. Mika may be the leader, but every leader has his own.

KILLER: Hey guys you wanna hang out today :)

CHARCHAR: Yeah sure, I have nothing to do today for once

MIKE: Yeah same, where will we meet up.

KILLER: Lets go to the beach, I need to relaxation time with my best buds

CHARCHAR: lol okay, bring your bikini though. I do not want a repeat of what happend last time

MIKE: What happened last time?

KILLER: I pushed her into the water, and she ended up pulling me down with her lol

CHARCHAR: Yea, it was fun at first. Then we both realized that we walked there and had no towels

MIKE: Lmaaoo I should have been there

KILLER: Yea but you were grounded that week for vandalizing your own house lmao


CHARCHAR: Whatever you say Mikey.

I looked at the time.



I arrived at school at 7:48am. I was putting my stuff away in my locker, when I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to see a worried Matt looking at me. I tried to walk away, but he was quick enough to grab my arm. I winced a little knowing that was a spot that Mika had punched. I had bruises all over my arm and legs, plus a large wound on my stomach that I had already addressed this morning. He let go but still looked at me with his worried blue eyes. I walked away and headed to chemistry. I sat down, even due to the sharp pain that was caused because of it. I was getting used to the pain now because of every move I made. This was also why I did not run today.


School Is In Session

I kept my head down, for I was having a headache. I heard Matt come into his seat. A few minutes later, I heard someone walk into the classroom. I looked up but I could not see his face. He was very muscular and looked about 6'3. He had a familiar aura around him. He turned around making me mentally kill myself and cower away in fear.

"Hello I will be your substitue teacher for a few months. Mr. Bower, went away for a little time."

A student raised his hand.

"What do we call you?"

"Call me Mr. Hill, or just call me Don."

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