Second Day In Hell

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§§§§§§§§Crystals' POV§§§§§§§§§§


Ughh, time for my second day. Note to self: Watch where you are going today, we do not want a repeat of what happened yesterday.

I got out of bed about 30 minutes later. I changed into my running clothes. And took a lap four laps around the block. I came back earlier than I thought I would. I felt inspired so I made myself a promise.

Starting tommorow you will start walking at 7:00am.

Entering the shower I felt like today was really going to be better than yesterday. I finally put on my 'nerdy' clothes and sat down on my bed to text my two best friends, Mike and Charlotte, we were all in a group chat. They are the ones that help me train in fights and are there to support me when needed. Mike is 25 and is in college and is taking classes to teach me how to fight so that I can get stronger. And Charlotte is the same age as me but is home schooled, her parents said something about not trusting the boys these days.

KILLER: Aye guys what's up?

MIKE: The sky ;)

CHAR CHAR: Shut the fuck up Mike lol

KILLER: Did you guys know that Billy changed the times for the fights.


CHAR CHAR: Yea, we thought you knew so we came there at eight just to find out you were not there. Sorry :(

KILLER: Nah its cool. Anyways see you guys tonight I got to go learn with some morons again today.

MIKE: I really wish you would just act normal so that they can know the Crystal we all know and love. (Hint the sarcasm Crystal)

CHAR CHAR: lol shut up Mike. But he is right, you could kick all their asses in a heartbeat.

KILLER: You guys know why I can't do that, we do not want a run in with Mika and his sidekicks.

CHAR CHAR: Yeah, I guess your right. Well I do not want you to ruin your attendance for it will, and I quote, "blow my cover."

MIKE: lol yeah okay see you guys later tonight.

I looked down onto my phone to check out the time.


Huh I have a little more time. But so much for that promise.

I started to walk to school, when I was halfway there, I noticed the clouds looked grey. It started to rain. That was when I started to walk a little faster to school. I was right by the school when a black mustang drove right by me, causing my not so wet clothes to become soaked.

"F*** YOU!"

The car parked revealing a brown haired boy wearing jeans with another tight shirt showing off his muscles.

Damn Crystal, you and your big mouth at it again.

"Woah! The nerd has a big mouth. What? No thank you? After all, I was the one to carry you all the way to the nurses office the other day."

I quietly gasped not knowing that he was the one that carried me there. Lost for words, I ran to my first class with Mr. Bower and sat in my usual spot.


School Is In Session

Once again, Mr. Bower walked in giving me a sympathetic smile before continuing the lesson. I was so engrossed in the notes, that I did not even see the boy who sat beside me.

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