Chapter 2

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*6 years later*

•Luke's POV•

I'm in sixth grade now. Calum and I are inseparable ever since the first day of kindergarten. We are always with each other.

I get up from my bed upon hearing my alarm go off. I go over to my alarm and shut it off with a loud sigh. I hate the mornings.

I slowly walk over to my closet picking out my clothes for the day. I pick out a light blue shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans.

I got downstairs seeing my mom making pancakes, "Morning Luke."

"Morning Mom," I say back politely.

She continues to bake the pancakes until they are finished. She then grabs a plate and puts the pancakes on it. She then sets the plate down in front of me, "Here you go Hun." She says ruffling my hair.

I groan, "Really Mom?" But she just walks away laughing.


I walk down the sidewalk heading to the bus stop, "Hey Lukey!" Cal yells running up to me, throwing his arms around me.

"Hey Cal!" I say returning the hug.

We walk onto the bus trying to find Ashton and Michael. "Over here!" I hear a certain hazel eyed boy shout.

We walk over to them. They are sitting together so Cal and I sit together.

We arrive at the school and all rush in. We immediately walk to our lockers. We are all pretty close together so we don't have to go far.

I grab everything I need and head to first period. Ashton and I have that class together.

We arrive to the classroom and sit in our assigned seats. Luckily we are sitting next to each other. I grab all the things I need for the class and set them down on my desk.


I have morning study hall so it's time for me to go there. I have it with Cal. After I finish grabbing the little homework, that I probably won't be doing, I go over to Calum's locker, "Ready for study hall?" I ask, poking his cheek.

"Yeah, let's go!" He grabs my wrist, pulling me along and into the library. We find an empty table and sit down. I grab my math book. Calum grabs my book and starts writing in it right away.

He finishes and I look at what he wrote.

'Calum is your BeStFrIeNd!'

I look at it and start laughing. I cover mouth trying not to draw attention. I hate attention.

I start to work on the math problem but look up feeling Cal tap my hand, "Yeah Cal?" I whisper.

He hands me his book, he wants me to write in his too. I pull out all my colored pens and set them in the middle of the table.

I flip to the back of his book and start doodling. I draw little smiley faces, and song lyrics. I also write: "Luke was here!!! :-) "

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