Chapter 3

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*Senior Year*

•Luke's POV•

*bell rings*
Everyone, including me, charges out of the building with huge smiles on our faces. We're finally done with school.

"WE ARE FREE BITCHES!" Michael says jumping on my back.

I laugh at his silliness. Calum and Ashton are rushing next to us with grins too. "We're done," Cal sighs.

"About time," I smile.
"I'll say," Ashton joins in.

I just remembered our plan for the summer. We are going to stay at Calum's Family's beach house for the summer. "Guys!" I say exited.

"Yeah, Lucas?" Ashton asks and I punch his arm. "Dick," I hear him mumble and I roll my eyes.

"The beach house!" I say and everyone's faces lighten up.

"Well c'mon!" Cal grabs my arm pulling me to Ash's car. Mikey and Ash following closely behind us.

We hop in the back whilst Ash drives and Michael in the passenger seat. I get buckled up and we are off to my house first.

We get there and I grab a bunch of clothes stuffing them into a suitcase. "Where are you going Luke?" My mom says walking into my room.

"Cal's beach house for the summer," I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world. 

"Okay? Well be safe. Oh, text me when you get there and-"

I interrupt her, "Mom I'll be fine," I say going to kiss her cheek.

She walks out with one last hug and I finish getting all of my necessities. I zip the suitcase close with trouble but I finally get it.

I walk downstairs nearly tripping. I reach the door. I step out yelling a "Goodbye Mom!"

I hop in and Cal is gone probably to get his stuff. He can easily get it because we live a few houses apart.

We finish getting our stuff and get settled into the car. "Turn the damn radio on." I say and Michael does so.
New Americana by Halsey comes on.

He turns it up louder and we all sing crazily to it. I flail my arms around doing stupid dances while Calum just dies of laughter. "What kind of dance is that?" He says in between laughs.

I puff my chest out proudly, "The Luke Arm Flail."

Calum looses his shit again and so do the others. We are literally not even an hour into the drive and we are already dying of laughter. This is going to be great.

"One hour left!" Ashton says and he begins tapping the steering wheel to the music. He would be a good drummer.  We all cheer excitedly.

I put my earbuds in and put on my Spotify playlist. I then look over at Cal and he's just  looking out the window bored.

I tap his shoulder and offer one my headphones. "Here Cali." I say and he accepts, gladly.

"Thanks Lukey."

I start to get sleepy and I lay my head on Cal's shoulder. He lays his head on top of mine. He snuggles into me and I fall asleep.

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