Chapter 11

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*Calum's POV*

Last night was eventful, enough so to tire me out entirely. The moment my head hit my pillow last night I fell asleep.


I wake up and notice that the temperature in my room has increased horribly.

"Why is it so freaking hot?" I ask myself aloud as I get out of my bed. I'm sweating so much that my shirt is soaked.

I decide to go downstairs to see if it's cooler down there and if the guys are up.

Once I get to the bottom of the spiral staircase, I've concluded that it's just as hot as my room. All of my friends are up and sitting at the counter on stools. Everyone is wearing tank tops, except Luke because he doesn't even have a shirt on, and shorts. Michael looks uncomfortable and keeps looking at his wrist, which is understandably dressed in an array of band bracelets. In the last two days it has been cool enough to wear long sleeves. Today? Not so much.

"Wow, thought you'd never wake up!" Luke teases me as take a seat. I make sure to sit between him and Michael.

"Shut up, I was tired," I say and flick him in the forehead. "How hot is it going to be today?" I ask.

"100," Ashton replies with a sigh. ( A/N: We're American so this is in Fahrenheit, not Celsius. Sorry rest of the world.)

I let out a groan and so does Luke as we both slam our heads on the granite counter.

"That's too hot!" Luke complains and I agree.

"Well excuse me, I don't control the weather," Ashton sasses. Luke flips him off as I swat at him.

"What are we gonna do today then?" I ask them. They all shrug in response. "Thanks, you guys are so helpful," I say sarcastically.

"LET'S GO SWIMMING!" Luke suddenly screams at me, getting all excited.

I roll my eyes and laugh at him. "Okay, Lukey! We can go swimming," I say to him.

"Really?!" Luke asks, his blue eyes lighting up.

I nod at him.

"THANKS CAL!" Luke yells and runs up the stairs to change.

"Well, I guess that's our cue to get changed," Ashton says and heads up after Luke.

Once they're upstairs, Michael turns to me. "Should I?" He asks me.

I shrug. "If you want. You can just wear your bracelets there," I say and give him a pat on the back.

"Okay," he says and follows me up the stairs.

Once I'm in my room, I change into my swimsuit and grab a towel. I head down the stair to see Ashton and Luke already changed and waiting. "Where's Mikey?" I ask them.

"Still changing," Ashton responds.

A few moments later he appears and we all head out to the dock.

"Race you!" Luke challenges me.

"You're on," I say and start sprinting down the wooden dock.

"Slow down guys!" Ashton yells out at us.

"Shut up Ashton, you're not my mom!" Luke screams back at him which causes me to laugh hard. I end up falling on the ground as Ashton starts chasing Luke around.

"LUCAS, STOP OR YOU'RE GOING IN A TIMEOUT!" Ashton screeches at Luke.

Michael starts crying from laughter as he falls down next to me on the ground. We lay there sobbing for a good five minutes, all while Luke is still getting chased by Ashton.

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