Chapter 23

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Why do I suck at updating so much? Ugh. It's like two months wtf. Anyways, there's like barely any chapters left oh snap.


Michael's POV

My eyes flutter open and blinding light from the window hits my eyes. I blink rapidly while turning my head to the side. Ashton's face is right there and his arms are wrapped around me. I smile to myself as I remember last night.

"Ash," I whisper and shake him gently.

He starts to stir so I prop myself up into a sitting position and wait for him to open his eyes. Once he does, he looks up at me and grins.

"Hey," he giggles and sits up as well.

I stare into his hazel eyes, totally mesmerized. Ashton stares back into mine and leans forward to kiss me softly. I pull away after a moment and rest my forehead on his.

"You're cute, you know," he says and puts his arms around my waist.

I smile and kiss him back. He moves his hand to my cheek to deepen the kiss. Everything is peaceful and sweet. Then, I hear footsteps pounding down the stairs. Before either of us can react, Calum and Luke burst into the room. Calum lets out a shriek when he sees us, causing us to break apart. Luke gasps.

"I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT. I FUCKING KNEW IT!" Calum yells at all of us.

My cheeks flush magenta and Ashton face palms. Luke begins to chant "Mashton" and Calum joins in as well.

"All right! Okay! Yes, we're a thing!" Ashton says. "Happy?"

Calum and Luke nod then skip into the kitchen. Ashton rolls his eyes and I giggle. "You want to tell them the details?" I ask.

Ashton turns to me, his eyes turning sad and touches my wrist gently. "Not all of them."


"...and then I kissed him," Ashton explains to the couple who are both sitting on bar stools with their mouth open. He lied about the whole cutting thing, instead replacing it with a long emotional talk about how upset I still was with my insecurities.

It was only then did I realize I was keeping Luke out of the loop. Calum knows what I did and so does Ashton. Calum and Ashton think they're the only ones that know. My stomach twists slightly at the thought of having to tell the truth eventually to everyone at once. I shake my head and take a deep breath.

"Aw," Luke smiles.

"So how long have you two liked each other?" Calum smirks.

I bite my lip awkwardly and glance at Ash, who is standing there nervously.

"Um..." we both say while thinking of a response.

"Always," Ashton finally answers quietly.

"A really long fucking time," I blurt out, which makes Ashton chuckle.

"I had a feeling," Calum says.

"Oh, c'mon, how?" I ask.

"You two wouldn't leave each other's side! Ashton would drag you along everywhere and vise versa. Then, Michael went all... ya know... and I thought 'wow, I must be wrong,' but nope," Calum explains and Luke nods in agreement.

"Makes sense," Ashton shrugs and steps towards me, putting an arm around my shoulder.


Calum's POV

It's later in the day and we're all laying around on the dock. Luke dips his fingers into the water and swishes his hand back and forth. I lay opposite of him, while Michael and Ashton rest propped up against one another. I roll over and look at Luke who cocks his head sideways.

"What?" He asks me.

I then grab him and pull him into the water with me. Down, down, down we sink. The blue liquid pulls us into the deep, my hand never leaving Luke's wrist. Finally, we surface and he slaps my arm.

"You scared me!" He shouts.

Michael and Ashton are sitting on the dock laughing insanely.

"Shut up," I giggle, "you love me!"

With that, Luke yanks me closer and presses his lips against mine. It is soft and quick, but beautiful. I hear Ashton whistle and I snap my head towards him. "You better watch it or we'll be screaming about mashton all night," I warn and Luke chuckles softly.

Ashton puts his hands up to surrender. Michael pecks his cheek and I whistle just like Ashton did. He shoots me a dirty look and we all burst out laughing.


It's later that night and Ashton cooked dinner. For once we weren't eating take out pizza, even though I can't complain about that. We balance our bowls in between our legs as we gather around the couch to watch TV. I put my free arm around Luke and use my other to twist my fork around my noodles. None of us are really paying attention to the television program on, as we're too busy talking and acting crazy.

"Oh god," Ashton suddenly gasps and we all turn to him, confused. "We only have two more weeks here, right Calum?" He says and realization dawns on me. I only have my parents' beach house for two more weeks, well, not even that long.

"Wow, you're right," I nod slowly and everyone groans.

We never want to leave this paradise. Hell, we've made so many memories here. All the good ones and all the bad ones have passed right through here. Who knows? I may not be back here for another eight years. With my mother's reaction to me, I may never set foot in here again. We fought here, Luke and I kissed here, Ash and Mikey did too, we had fun, we cried, we danced, we laughed. This summer has been one of the most life changing in my whole life. It sculpted me and turned my life around. My whole world did a 360 in the best and worst possible ways. How has it almost passed already?

"I never wanna leave," Michael sighs and stretches out like a cat. He yawns at the end.

"Me either," Luke whines and I smile at his adorable pout.

I laugh and shrug at them all. "We can have fun again next year!"

"Well, Hood, you better be right about that," Luke says and buries his face into my chest.

"Trust me," I say, "I'm always right."

We all burst out laughing again.


Omg ew this sucked. Sorry I never update, hopefully we get back on schedule with break coming up:) 


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