Chapter 17

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*Luke's POV*

I awaken in a groggy haze, two tan and beautiful arms laced around me. I sigh contently just being close to Calum, just feeling his touch, hearing his peaceful breathing. Slowly, I turn my head and realize we are wrapped around each other on the couch. We must have fallen asleep while watching the movie. I look over my shoulder and gaze in awe at what I see. Michael and Ashton are curled up together, Michael's head on Ashton's chest. Both of the boys are fast asleep as well as Calum. I nudge him with my elbow and he starts to stir. He stretches slightly and flutters his eyes open to showcase his brown orbs.

"Morning sleepy head," I tell him and he pecks my forehead.

"Morning," he mumbles into my skin.

Calum drifts away from my head and unwraps his arms from me so he can stand up. I copy him, standing up and wrapping myself around him, embracing him.

"Love you," I smile into his shoulder, my voice slightly distorted.

He softly lifts my chin up and smiles at me, his eyes crinkling up. He leans in and kisses me quickly on the lips.

"Love you too, Lukey," he replies and I feel my stomach get all fuzzy and warm.

Suddenly, a voice behind us makes us leap apart.

"Can you guys be anymore couple-y? I may throw up from all the sweetness," Ashton laughs from behind.

I guess they woke up.

"You're going to have to live with it Ash. We're not going anywhere," Calum smiles at me and I feel my cheeks heat up. This boy is going to be the death of me.

Michael rises up from his horizontal position and into a sitting one, rubbing his emerald eyes. Ashton's arm is still lazily draped across his shoulders. I grin upon seeing this, but no one notices.

"Breakfast?" Ashton questions everyone.

We all nod in agreement for him to begin cooking. Ashton stands up, gingerly removing his arm from around Michael. He then extends his hand forwards to offer it to him.

"Need help up?" Ashton smiles down at Michael.

Mikey's cheeks slightly redden to a subtle crimson as he accepts Ashton's outstretched hand. I look up and Calum who smirks at me. I elevate myself up to whisper in his ear.

"I ship it," I whisper and Calum starts laughing. Ashton and Michael look at us confused, both of them now standing.

"Nothing," Calum waves them off, still laughing.

They nod simultaneously and strut off into the kitchen. Once they leave, Calum and sit down on the white couch together, cuddling close.

"Hey Luke?" Calum asks me and I look up at him.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"When are we going to tell our family?"

"Tell them what?" I ask, clueless.

Calum boops my nose. "About us, you dork."

"Oh!" I giggle and then shrug. "We can call them today if you want. Whatever feels right for you, Cal," I offer to him.

He exhales loudly in thought, his warm breath ghosting my face. "Okay," he nods and kisses my forehead.

My stomach lurches slightly at the thought of telling our parents. How would they respond? Would they be fine with it? Would they disown us? What would happen?

I've heard stories where parents would completely shut out there child just because of who they loved. That's the same logic of loathing someone with a burning passion just because they're favorite color is blue, yet yours is red. Not everyone enjoys the same thing, but people can't grasp that simple concept.

That's Gay >Cake FanFiction<Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora